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He had red hair and looked about two years older than me.

He had rather die than give away his friend. 他宁死也不出卖他的朋友。
He had reached an inn and was ready to enter, when the innkeeper's helper met him in the doorway, carrying a sackful of something. 他正要进去,酒馆伙计正好出来,他们在门口遇上了。酒馆伙计背着一袋东西。
He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty-one lawyers in the firm, and in a split second he had recalled that Lamar Quin had gone to Kansas State. 他阅读了有关该事务所所有41名律师的介绍,而且能在一瞬间回忆起拉马尔?奎恩曾在堪萨斯大学读过书。
He had realized immediately the serious condition of Mrs Jones, and had sent back to his dispensary for some opium pills, to allay the pain. 他立即向琼斯先生了解了当时的情况,然后快速返回诊所拿来少量的麻药用于减轻她的痛苦。
He had received information from a nameless source in the government. 他从政府中一未透露姓名者那里得到了消息.
He had red hair and looked about two years older than me. (他有红色头发并且看起来比我大两岁。)
He had remarkable ability as an administrator. 他的行效管理能力很强。
He had rented a house to a man called Nicolas Francken. 他曾将其中的一座租给了一个名为尼克拉斯·弗兰肯的人。
He had responsibilities, to Obi-Wan, to the Jedi Order. 他不能抛下对欧比万和绝地教团的义务。
He had run more than forty miles As soon as he was out of danger, he collapsed. 他已经跑了四十多英里路了。他刚脱离危险便(累得)倒下了。
He had run up debts totaling more than&2000. 他一共负了2000多英镑的债。

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