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A country responsible for supervising a trust territory.

A country of east-central Africa on the Indian Ocean. 坦桑尼亚:非洲中东部一国家,位于印度洋沿岸。
A country of northwest Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. 阿尔及利亚:非洲西北部滨邻地中海的国家。
A country of northwest Africa bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. Algeria gained its independence from France in1962 after a long terrorist and guerrilla campaign. Algiers is the capital and the largest city. Population, 16,948,000. 阿尔及利亚非洲西北部滨邻地中海的国家。经过长期的恐怖主义活动和游击战争,阿尔及利亚于1962年脱离法国统治宣布独立。阿尔及尔是首都及最大的城市。人口16,948,000
A country of southeast Africa. 马拉维:非洲东南部一国家。
A country of western Africa. 非洲西部的一个国家。
A country responsible for supervising a trust territory. 托管国负责管理监督托管领地的国家
A country should not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors. 一个国家不应该牺牲邻国来壮大自己。
A country such as Colombia makes products that are well connected on the network, and so there are plenty of opportunities for private firms to move into, provided other parts of the business climate allow it. 哥伦比亚等国生产在网络上联系紧密的产品,因此,如果商业环境的其它条件允许的话,私营企业就有大量进入机会。
A country that applied the simple Roman maxim—“if you want peace, prepare for war”—would score badly. 适用简单的罗马格言——“如果你想要和平,请准备好战争”——的国家得分很低。
A country that banks on fast growth, promoted by expansionary fiscal policies, could face some unpleasant surprises. 通过扩张性财政政策实现快速增长的国家,有可能会遇到不愉快的意外情形。
A country that had no bread for him, whose fields procured him no harvest, who met with nothing but the frowns of the rich, the severity of the laws, with jails and punishments; who owned not a single foot of the extensive surface of this planet? 一个没有面包给他吃的国家,在这个国家里他的土地没有收成,他遇到的只是富人的白眼,严厉的法律,监狱和惩罚,在这广阔的星球表面上他连一寸土地都没有,他能把这个国家叫做自己的国家吗?

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