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Parents should brush children's teeth daily with a soft wet toothbrush and a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

Parents play a crucial role in developing the literacy skills of their children. Parents can be a part of the children's learning while providing guidance to their children's reading. 父母是培养孩子读写能力最重要的角色,是孩子最佳的阅读向导,让我门亲子共读开始,和孩子一同培养并享受阅读的乐趣。
Parents push baby carriages. Young men and women walk slowly, arm in arm, or hand in hand. 爸爸妈妈们推着婴儿车走, 青年男女臂挽着臂或手牵着手慢慢地走着,
Parents should also apologize when making a mistake to show responsibility for one's own behavior. By doing so, a child also learns to respect himself and others. 父母做错事情时,也要和孩子道歉,表示为自己的行为负责,孩子也能从中学到尊重自己和他人。
Parents should avoid getting too involved in their children's arguments. If one child complains, listen to both sides in an unbiased manner and have the children discuss a resolution. 对孩子间纯斗嘴的摩擦,父母应尽量不要介入调停。如果其中一个孩子很爱告状,也应该要公平地听听两方的说法,再请他们自己讨论出解决的方法。
Parents should be encouraged to send ;their children to nursery schools, which will&nbs p;bring about profound impacts on children and&nbs p;families, and even the society as a whole. 应该鼓励父母将他们的孩子送到幼儿园,这将对孩子,家庭,甚至整个社会产生深远的影响。
Parents should brush children's teeth daily with a soft wet toothbrush and a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. 家长应该每天用带有豌豆大小含氟牙膏的软毛的牙刷给孩子刷牙。
Parents should discipline their children. 父母应该管教他们的孩子。
Parents should educate their children to behave well. 父母应教育自己的孩子要举止端正。
Parents should moderate their language when children are present. 孩子们在场时,父母们讲 话应有节制.
Parents should not get hot under the collar during the children's sport events. 父母不要为了孩子的运动比赛而动怒。
Parents should not pander to their children too much. 父母不应该太宠爱他们的孩子。

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