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Article 1 For entry to China, aliens shall apply for visas to Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other foreign-base agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

Article 1 Cult organizationsin Article 300 of the Criminal Law refers to illegal organizations that are set up using religions, Qigong or other things as a camouflage, deify their leading members, and confuse, poison and deceive people, recruit and contro 第一条刑法第三百条中的“邪教组织”,是指冒用宗教、气功或者其他名义建立,神化首要分子,利用制造、散布迷信邪说等手段蛊惑、蒙骗他人,发展、控制成员,危害社会的非法组织。
Article 1 (Purpose and Basis) With a view to rewarding the units and individuals with teaching achievements, encouraging units and individuals to carry on research and reform on education and teaching, and enhancing teaching standards and education qualit 第一条(目的和依据)为了奖励取得教学成果的单位和个人,鼓励单位和个人进行教育教学的研究和改革,提高教学水平和教育质量,根据国务院《教学成果奖励条例》第十二条的规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
Article 1 All units and individuals engaged in the sales of goods, provision of processing, repairs and replac ement services, and the importation of goods within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China are taxpayers of Value-Added Tax (heteinafter 第一条在中华人民共和国境内销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务以及进口货物的单位和个人,为增值税的纳税义务人(以下简称纳税人),应当依照本条例缴纳增值税。
Article 1 Commercial Groups are organized to promote trades both home and abroad, accelerate economic development, harmonize relationship of the same trade, strengthen mutual benefits. 第1条(商业团体之宗旨)商业团体,以推广国内外贸易,促进经济发展,协调同业关系,增进共同利益为宗旨。
Article 1 Degrees shall be conferred pursuant to the provisions of this Law. 第1条学位之授予,依本法之规定。
Article 1 For entry to China, aliens shall apply for visas to Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other foreign-base agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. 第一条外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理签证。
Article 1 For the purpose of guaranteeing the basic livelihood of unemployed persons during unemployment period and facilitating their reemployment, these Provisions are formulated by the State Council in accordance with the Regulation on Unemployment Ins 第一条为了保障失业人员失业期间的基本生活,促进其再就业,根据国务院《失业保险条例》,结合本市实际,制定本规定。
Article 1 For the purpose of improving the management on overseas Chinese-invested enterprises(organizations)(hereinafter referred to as Chinese-invested enterprises),strengthening coordination and guidance to Chinese-invested enterprises as well as provi 第一条为规范对境外中资企业(机构)(以下简称中资企业)的管理,加强对中资企业的协调指导并提供各项公共服务,维护中资企业及其外派人员的合法权益,根据国家有关法规和《关于境外投资开办企业核准事项的规定》(商务部令2004年第16号),特制定本制度。
Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the forestry statistical work, guaranteeing the genuineness, timeliness and authoritativeness of the forestry statistical materials, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Statistical Law of the Peo 第一条为了加强林业统计工作,保障林业统计资料的真实性、及时性和权威性,根据《中华人民共和国统计法》和《中华人民共和国统计法实施细则》的规定,制定本办法。
Article 1 For the purposes of further implementing the enterprises' independent investment decision-making right and regulating the administration of examination and approval of overseas investment projects, these Measures are formulated in accordance wit 第一条为适应社会主义市场经济体制的要求,进一步推动我省企业投资项目管理制度改革,落实企业投资自主决策权,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》(国发[2004]20号)和国家发展改革委发布的《企业投资项目核准暂行办法》(国家发展改革委第19号令),结合四川实际,制定本办法。
Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the application and issuing of temporary textile export license, realizing the standardization, systematization and scientization of applying for and issuing Temporary Textile Export License, these specifications a 第一条为规范纺织品临时出口许可证件申领签发工作,实现发证业务的标准化、制度化和科学化,依据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》、《纺织品出口临时管理办法》和《纺织品出口许可数量招标实施细则》及相关规定,制定本规范。

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