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It was a sort of salve to her conscience.

It was a small part of the pantomime. 于这哑剧它是一个小部分。
It was a small river, six feet in breadth. 那是一条小河,仅六英尺宽。
It was a small sign of the growing corruption within the Nationalists that would speed their undoing. 这只是国民政府正迅速的走向自我毁灭,逐渐腐败的小警讯。
It was a small town then , compared to/with what it is now. 和现在比起来,那时它还是个小镇。
It was a small town, and for all intents and purposes life was closer to the 18th than the 19th century. 那是一个很小的城镇,因此生活步调比较接近十八世纪而不像十九世纪一般。
It was a sort of salve to her conscience. 那对她的良心是一种宽慰。
It was a special tea which tasted of chrysanthemum. 它是一种有菊花味的特别茶叶。
It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms. 这是一种特别的茶,有桔子花叶。
It was a spring without voices. 那是一个无声的春天。
It was a state of mind, an attitude, that comprised the utopia. 这是一种思想状态,一种态度,包含了乌托邦。
It was a stick from a tree was deep inside Baby's leg and mother's teeth couldn't pull it out. 那是一枝从树上掉落的树枝深深插入小鹿的腿边,鹿妈妈的牙齿无法将它拔出。

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