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The outcome of this patient was excellent due to aggressive resuscitative measures including open-chest cardiac massage.

The outcome of the election was correspondent with my prediction. 选举结果与我的预计一致。
The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。
The outcome of the game is beyond his fondest hopes. 比赛结果使他大喜过望。
The outcome of the study show that, to export policies, the Pigouvian pollution tax can fully replace the export subsidy. 研究结果表明:出口方面,政府不需进行出口补贴,只需采取最优的污染税-皮古税,且不需要对本国企业进行补贴。
The outcome of these wage talk is seen as a test case for future pay negotiation. 这一系列工资谈判的结果可视为今后薪酬谈判的先例。
The outcome of this patient was excellent due to aggressive resuscitative measures including open-chest cardiac massage. 经过适当的急救处置,以及开胸心臓按摩后,病患的预后状况非常良好。
The outcome spoiled a strong effort from left-hander Andy Pettitte, who suddenly found himself as the most experienced member of the Yankees' rotation when Mussina was shelved. 这结果伤害了左投手派特提,老穆列入伤兵,派特提突然变成了洋基目前先发最有经验的球员了。
The outcome towards the brand would result in the dilution of brand equity coming through brand meaning as understood by the consumer (either subjectively or objectively). 由于消费者对该品牌的理解(主观或客观)使品牌资产被稀释,从而导致该品牌所得到的结果。
The outcome was good, except in 2 patients, 1 of whom died of a perforation of the sigmoid colon duplication, and another who was complicated with multiple congenital anomalies. 肠胃道复制畸形的分布:在胃有三个病例(18.75%),迴肠有十二个病例(63%),阑尾有一个病例(18.75%)直肠有一个病例(5%)。
The outcome washed away the solid reintroduction of Pettitte to the Yankees-Red Sox culture, which likely remains just as unpredictable as the left-hander remembered it being in 2003. 基袜赛事结果抹去了派特提的好投,这不可预期的结果如同派特提在2003年记忆中一样。
The outcome will be submitted to the ASEM SMEs Ministerial Meeting to be held in Beijing. 随后在京举行的“亚欧会议中小企业部长级会议”将听取此次论坛的成果报告。

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