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They come to enjoy the unspoiled environment, the bright blue skies, and the fresh white snow fields.

They come in all sizes, ages, from every field of endeavor, race and class. 他们可能有着不同的体格、年龄,来自不同的领域、种族和阶层。
They come in two distinct classes depending on whether they last longer or shorter than about two seconds; the longer ones produce lower-energy photons than the shorter ones do. 依据持续时间大于或小于两秒钟,可分为两种不同的类型;时间较长的爆发比时间短的爆发所产生的光子能量来得低。
They come just to see us or for tours, business trips and fact-finding missions. 他们来中国,有的只是为了看看我们,有的来观光旅游,有的来出差或进行一些实地调查。
They come on Saturday of my weekend relationship seminar and by dinnertime on Sunday they are ill love again. 他们星期六来参加我的婚姻关系研讨会,星期日晚餐时,就和好如初了。
They come out like a whirlwind to scatter me; Their exultation is as if to devour the poor in secret. 他们来如旋风,要将我们分散;他们因暗中吞吃贫民而欢乐。
They come to enjoy the unspoiled environment, the bright blue skies, and the fresh white snow fields. 他们到南极来享受没有污染的环境,碧蓝的天空和皓洁的雪原。
They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city. 5人要与迦勒底人争战,正是拿死尸充满这房屋,就是我在怒气和忿怒中所杀的人,因他们的一切恶,我就掩面不顾这城。
They come to you from a cosmic database and hold information. 他们从一个宇宙信息数据库来到你们而拥有了信息。
They come upon a huge complex of buildings and barbed wire, with an unlocked gate. Soon joined by a few other soldiers, they go inside. 他们偶然发现一个巨大的建筑群,外面有带刺的铁丝网围着,大门没有锁。不久,来了一些别的士兵,他们也跟着进去了。
They come with French fries and crisp green salad. 它们与炸薯条和新鲜色拉搁在一起出售。
They come with their laws and their codes to bind me fast; but I evade them ever, for I am only waiting for love to give myself up at last into his hands. 他们用法律和规章紧紧地约束我;但我总躲着他们,因为我只等候着爱最终把我交到他手里。

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