Nevertheless, this creation cannot be understood from the absolute implication, because it aims at arousing other creative treatments and merging into the Gestalt of history.
当然,这种创造不能从绝对的意义上去理解,因为它的目的是激发起其他一些创造,并同时被整合进历史的“格式塔”之中。 |
Nevertheless, this journalism created a public clamor for more missiles and was used by defence industry executives to press for purchases.
媒体的炒作却误导了公众,以为为了自卫,美国需要更多的导弹,这也成了美国军方扩充军备的借口。 |
Nevertheless, this part of the experiment suggests it is weight that determines gut biodiversity, not the other way round.
尽管如此,从试验的这个部分可以看出是体重决定肠道的菌群生物降解过程,而不是反过来菌群的生物降解过程举定了体重。 |
Nevertheless, this was added to JT`s rapsheet.
不管怎么样,这是对特里的欲加之罪。 |
Nevertheless, those receivers destined for installation in future cell phones will be quite cheap, costing less than $5 apiece.
此外,未来即将安装到手机内的接收器应该会相当便宜,每颗的成本低于五美元。 |
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
2但要免淫乱的事,男人当各有自己的妻子,女子也当各有自己的丈夫。 |
Nevertheless, to overcome this decay, a new plan based on a new planning philosophy was designed for the area by using existing landscape structures, initially organized for the industrial region, converting it into a post industrial regional landscape sy
为了扭转衰败局面,鲁尔区以新规划思想为基础制定了新规划,利用了现有的最初是为工业地区组织的景观结构,并将其重新构造为后工业区域的景观系统。 |
Nevertheless, unconfirmed stories have claimed that Milan owner Silvio Berlusconi has recently met with Roberto Assis – Ronaldinho's brother and agent.
然后,有非官方的消息表示,米兰老板西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼最近与罗纳尔迪尼奥的哥哥兼经纪人——罗贝托·阿西斯有过会面。 |
Nevertheless, use of soil incorporation for urea and anhydrous ammonia to reduce volatilization, the practice of delaying nitrogen fertilizer application in imperfectly drained soils to minimize denitrification and leaching, and patience in the case of im
但是,采用把尿素和液氨和土壤掺混施用以减少氨挥发,在排水不良的土壤上采取延迟施氮期的办法以减少反硝化及淋失,以及对于氮固定问题采取耐心克制的态度,这些问题就都能得到解决。 |
Nevertheless, we are silent. Because of silence we could assume a look of sweetness,and live each day with blithe disregard for emotional emptiness.
然而我们沉默,因为沉默我们可以假装两人的甜蜜,在对内心空虚熟视无睹中度过每一天。 |
Nevertheless, we were persistent enough to create a strong coalition against over-regulation of the economy that would worsen the business climate.
然而,我们仍然持续不断地去创造─强有力的联盟以对抗经济被过度管制,因为它将不利于商务之投资气候。 |