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It is characterized by the existence of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which is a hypersensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers.

It is characteristic of him to say that. 他就是会说那种话的人。
It is characterized by criticizing the big social ward in terms of the small hospital ward. 病房写作的主题思路是从病房意识出发,以医院小病房隐喻批判社会大病房。
It is characterized by dark wart-like patches in body folds such as the back of the neck or in the armpits. 特徵﹕在身体皮肤皱褶部位如颈后部和腋窝出现黑色驼绒状皮肤色素沉著。
It is characterized by narrow cuts, material and energy saving, high accuracy, easy-operating, high efficiency. 具有锯口窄、省料、节能、锯切精度高、操作方便、生产效率高等优点。
It is characterized by the appearance of algae and a proliferation of marine invertebrate animal forms, but no true plants. 特征是藻类的出现和海洋无脊椎动物的繁盛,但该时期没有出现真正的植物。
It is characterized by the existence of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which is a hypersensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers. 激痛点是存在于骨骼肌肉纤维里之紧绷肌带上的过度敏感小点。
It is characterized histologically by deposits of monosodium urate crystals accompanied by a giant cell inflammatory reaction in the medullary interstitium and pyramids. 它的特征是组织学上在肾髓质部和锥体部有单钠尿酸盐的结晶沉积伴随着巨大细胞发炎反应。
It is charged (ie in a court of law) that on 30 November, the accused.... 现指控被告於11月30日....
It is charming and scary in about equal measure. 其精彩度和惊险度差不多是平分秋色。
It is chiefly a carbohydrate food, but it also contains proteins. 是的,面包里主要是淀粉,可是面包里也含有蛋白质。
It is chiefly because he is too impatient. 这主要是因为他太没有耐心的缘故。

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