A flock of Bulgarian circus doves was barred from returning home on Thursday because of an outbreak of avian flu in Turkey.
由于土耳其近日发现禽流感疫情,正在该国巡演的保加利亚某马戏团内的一群鸽子于10月13日被有关部门禁止返回祖国。 |
A flock of bird ingested into No4 engine, causing completed power failure, we lost 500m, flight control recovered now.
一群鸟吸入第四发动机内,导致完全停车,下跌500米,现在已恢复飞行操纵。 |
A flock of birds are singing their songs.
朝阳下,草青青,露珠闪晶莹。 |
A flood of crazed orcs clamored on the opposite side, climbing over top of one another in a frenzy of bloodlust.
洪水一般的疯狂兽人向对面喧嚷,甚至爬过其他兽人的头顶,充满着杀戮的狂暴。 |
A flood of tie-ins is about to hit the US, with Astro Boy's image splashed on everything from bandanas and bedding.
美国市场很快将充斥与这部动画片有关的商品,铁臂阿童木的形象将遍及各处,从扎染印花头巾到床上用品。 |
A flood will carry off his house, rushing waters on the day of God's wrath.
28他的家产必然过去。神发怒的日子,他的货物都要消灭。 |
A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival.
小号奏出嘹亮的乐曲欢迎女王驾到。 |
A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.
口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。 |
A flow pattern identification method is proposed based on the least standard criterion.
基于最小方差预测准则,提出水平管油气两相流流型辨识方法。 |
A flower cant make a spring .
一花独放不是春。 |
A flowering tree blew down and some small shrubs were flattened.
一棵正在开花的树被吹倒了,一些小灌木也被吹毁了。 |