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Like a true high level language,there is a one-to-manyrelationship between a c statement and the machine language instructions it is compiled into thus,a languae like C gives you far more programming leverage than a low level assembly language.

Like a thorn which falls into the hand of a drunkard, So is a proverb in the mouth of fools. 箴26:9箴言在愚昧人的口中、好像荆棘刺入醉汉的手。
Like a thornbush in a drunkard's hand is a proverb in the mouth of a fool. 9箴言在愚昧人的口中,好像荆棘刺入醉汉的手。
Like a tightly twisted rubber band, the Sun's magnetic fields can suddenly snap into a new shape. 太阳的电磁场就像是一个被紧紧拉伸后的橡皮带,可以突然翻折而改变成新的形状。
Like a timorous bird you fly to my breast with eager love. 像一只羞怯的鸟,你满怀热爱地飞到我胸前。
Like a true James Bond mission, I can't tell you the theme of the commercial as it is top secret, but it will feature a few Nike athletes in a campaign that will be exclusive to the Asia-Pacific region, so all my fans in Japan and throughout Asia should g 就像真正的詹姆斯-邦德一样,我不能告诉你这次活动的主题,因为这是最高机密,但是届时会有一些耐克的签约运动员到场,因为是针对亚太地区的,因此我在日本以及全亚洲的球迷在2007年初就可以看到了。
Like a true high level language,there is a one-to-manyrelationship between a c statement and the machine language instructions it is compiled into thus,a languae like C gives you far more programming leverage than a low level assembly language. 就象一种高级语言一样,在表述和机器语言指示之间,存在着一个一对多的关系,它是经过编译的,象C语言,它比一个低等级的集成语言更具有规划性。
Like a vile trichina, like a germ of the plague infecting whole kingdoms, so I contaminated all this earth, so happy and sinless before my coming. 我像一条可憎的毛虫,又像传染了许多国家的鼠疫杆菌,把这块我来之前没有罪恶的乐土全玷污了。
Like a visual comment, simple in its appearance yet with the potential for further interpretation. 如同一个形象化的注解,外表简单但却意蕴深远。
Like a will, trusts spell out how you want your property distributed. 类似于遗嘱,信托同样让你指定遗产的分配。
Like adamant, harder than flint, I am making your forehead; do not be afraid of them or dismayed at their faces, for they are a rebellious house. 9我使你的额像金钢石,比火石更硬;你不要怕他们,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶;他们原是悖逆之家。
Like alcoholism, compulsive shopping represents a case of the ordinary pleasures of living getting out of hand. 与酗酒一样,强迫性购物代表着一种普通的生活乐趣流于失控的情形。

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