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38 colonists from Berkeley Parish in England disembark in Virginia and give thanks to God (this is considered to be the first Thanksgiving in the Americas).

38 Love rules his kingdom without a word. 维持爱情,不用强力。
38 The plane will take off in ten minutes. 飞机将于十分钟后起飞。
38 The stations are always full of people. 火车站里经常挤满了人。
38 You'll find the muscles in your body right down your spine are completely relaxing. 而当你听我们的声音,你将经验到一种美妙放松的经验会发生在你的身上。
38 animals are facing extinction in this state since 1971. 作为动物的一个物种,处于被消灭或消亡的状态。
38 colonists from Berkeley Parish in England disembark in Virginia and give thanks to God (this is considered to be the first Thanksgiving in the Americas). 1619年,38位来自英格兰伯克利教区的殖民者在维吉尼亚登陆并向上帝感恩(这被看作是在北美的第一次感恩行为)。
38 indicators are abstracted in order to evaluate the environment conditions in China from 1990s. Then evaluation is carried out with the method of analytic hierarchy process and factor analysis. 所谓“层次分析法和因子分析法相结合的方法”是就“38个指标”而言。此句不可分开,分开意思就不对了。
38What is truth?Pilate asked. With this he went out again to the Jews and said, I find no basis for a charge against him. 38彼拉多说,真理是什么呢?说了这话,又出来到犹太人那里,对他们说,我查不出他有什么罪来。
380 Someone is using the phone. 有人在用电话。
380 all site erection works will be performed by the buyer under the technical instruction of the seller. 所有的现场安装工作都应在卖方的技术指导下由买方完成。
380 yuan is about as low as we can go. 380元大约是我们能出的最低价格。

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