April 19, 1989: Total extermination Job of Real Madrid that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger s proud.
1989年4月19日:五球狂胜,米兰成为皇马的“魔鬼终结者”,即使是阿诺德.施瓦辛格也只能为之叹服。 |
April 2002, Canada Quebec Industrial Park began to be constructed.
2002年4月,加拿大魁北克寒带工业示范园开工建设。 |
April 2003: Arken and his band went to the Beijing Agricultural University for a charity performance, aimed to give aid to earthquake victims in the Bachu District of Xinjiang.
2003年4月艾尔肯率领乐队在北京农大为新疆巴楚县发生地震的灾民举办了募捐义演。 |
April 2004, AMI hosted and organised a visit program for a group of 18 senior judges, led by Justice Yang Duoming, Vice President from the Supreme Court of Guangxi Province PRC.
今年四月,AMI负责接待了广西高等法院副院长为团长的18位高级法官的培训和考察活动。 |
April 2004, Huali Air—Conditioner (Italy) started to be constructed.
2004年4月,意大利华丽空调开工建设。 |
April 2005 saw the launch of the AstraZeneca China Business Institute (AZBI). This is the first in-house business school in the industry.
2005年4月,一个以“提高公司员工执行力和素质”为目标的“阿斯利康中国商学院”项目正式启动。 |
April 2007, the 7th Collegiate Programming Contest of Zhejiang University was held on Zijingang Campus.
2007年4月,浙江大学第七届大学生程序设计竞赛在紫金港校区隆重举行。 |
April 21, 2007: Pakistan has ordered four more frigates from China.
2007年4月21日:巴基斯坦向中国追加4艘护卫舰的订单。 |
April 22 is the Earth Day.
4月22日是「世界地球日」。 |
April 23rd was PKU Campus Open Day.
4月23日,北大校园开放日。 |
April 25th. One of the additions to the many posters up at Peking University was this slogan from the American Revolution written on a bedsheet.
北大三角地是学运的主要发源地之一。在北京大学众多的大字报中,有一张写著美国革命时的一句口号:「不自由,毋宁死!」 |