All of these things act to remove any type of protective coating, whether it's a high quality protectant or an inexpensive snake oil.
所有这些情况,都可能清除掉任何保护层,不管它是质量最好的还是便宜的蛇油。 |
All of these things make having a pen pal a lot of fun!
所有这一切,让你感受到交一个笔友有很多的乐趣。 |
All of these three cases received local radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy after surgery.
这三个病人均曾接受放射线治疗及化学治疗。 |
All of these verbs mean to succeed in arriving at a goal or an objective.
所有这些动词的意思都是成功地达到目的或目标。 |
All of these vitamins have been hypothesized to cut lung cancer risk, according to Cho's team, but the research evidence has been spotty.
按照曹恩永的说法,上面所提到的这几种维生素一直以来均被假设成可以降低患肺癌的危险,但有关研究结果却显得摇摆不定,缺乏前后一致的结论。 |
All of these will help us to analyze the fatigue and fracture of hydraulic turbine runner.
本文计算结果可为其它水轮机转轮的应力特性分析及转轮疲劳裂纹分析提供参考。 |
All of these year-end parties are going to ruin my health.
这么多次年终联欢会,会把我累垮的。 |
All of this assignment work and stock image sales helps finance my real passion, my personal photographic work.
所有的这些自由职业和素材库的销售在经济上支撑了我内心真正的激情,也就是我的私人摄影爱好。 |
All of this came about because of the thoughtless comment made in the classroom that day.
所有这些都是来自我上动植物学解剖青蛙那堂课,“一句不经意的话语。” |
All of this can be done, Mr Heydon believes, for about half as much as opening a new land-based mine.
海冬相信,只要花费相当于一个陆地矿井一半的费用,所有这些就都可以实现。 |
All of this combines to form a powerful partnership unmatched by our competitors.
所有这一切使我们成为无可匹敌的最佳合作伙伴。 |