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Only go to licensed, trained professionals. Each manicurist should have a state-issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed.

Only four outfield players do specific jobs (DCs and FCs) but the mid-level mentality of the rest of the tem means they will be supported in their tasks. 只有四个上场的球员做的是特定工作(中卫和前锋),不过其他球员极其相似的心态设定意味着他们将会容易获得很好的支持。
Only four years later, the first steamship crossed the Atlantic Ocean. 仅仅四年之后,第一艘蒸汽船横渡了大西洋。
Only foush your toilets if reassy needed; follow the Australian maxim:If it's yellow, that's mellow, if it's brown, flush it down. 冲洗马桶宜有度。澳洲格言要遵循:“马桶发黄属正常,马桶发褐要冲洗。”
Only from 1995, the Education Department accept qualified teacher-librarians upgrade to Graduate Master (GM). 但由1995年开始,教育署颁布图书馆主任可以由学位教师担任。
Only from the principle of unity in differencecan the essential requirement of cultural dialogue be exemplified, the national cultural identity be maintained, and our own place be kept in the situation of the multipolar competition in world cultures. 只有从差异的统一性原则出发,才能真正体现文化对话的本质要求,才能持久维系民族文化身份的认同,在全球文化多元竞争格局中找到属于自己的一元。
Only go to licensed, trained professionals. Each manicurist should have a state-issued cosmetology license that is current and visibly displayed. 只去找有许可证的,受过培训的专业修甲师。每一个修指甲师应该有一个是当前值得炫耀的国家发行的美容学许可证.
Only good irrigation can make nice fruits. 要有好的灌溉,才有好的成果。
Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout. 只有优良的童子军活动才能保持不朽的童子军所衷心热爱的各项自由。
Only hard work can get you ahead of your competitors. 只有艰苦的工作才能让你胜过你的竞争者们。
Only has can restrain corruptlike this. 只有这样才能扼制腐败。
Only have the footmark leaving hardship on the snowfield, only meeting understands costful , lively lively feverishness. Best wish for your new year life happiness. 只有雪地上留下艰辛的足迹,才会懂得活的珍贵,活的炙热。祝新的一年中你的生活美满幸福。

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