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Article Twenty EIA Engineer shall take relevant responsibilities for the relevant technical documents of the EIA in the charge of the EIA Engineer.

Article Seven An unified annual examination of professional qualification of the EIA Engineer with unified outline and examination paper is organized in the entire country. 第七条环境影响评价工程师职业资格实行全国统一大纲、统一命题、统一组织的考试制度。原则上每年举行1次。
Article Six Ministry of Personnel (MOP) and State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) are jointly responsible for the implementation of the professional qualification system of EIA Engineer. 第六条人事部和国家环境保护总局(以下简称环保总局)共同负责环境影响评价工程师职业资格制度的实施工作。
Article Three The development, production and marketing of software are encouraged for the purpose of carrying forward the development of the software industry, and satisfying the increasing demand for computerization. 第三条国家鼓励和支持软件产品的开发、生产、经营活动,以促进软件产业的发展,适应我国计算机应用事业和国民经济信息化建设日益增长的需要。
Article Three The so-called Environmental Impact Assessment Engineer (EIA Engineer) in this Regulation refers to the professional technical personnel obtaining the Professional Qualification Certificate of EIA Engineer of the People's Republic of China, a 第三条本规定所称环境影响评价工程师,是指取得《中华人民共和国环境影响评价工程师职业资格证书》,并经登记后,从事环境影响评价工作的专业技术人员。
Article Three: Accreditation of Independent Innovation Products shall keep to the principles of free will application. 第三条自主创新产品认定工作遵循自愿申请的原则。
Article Twenty EIA Engineer shall take relevant responsibilities for the relevant technical documents of the EIA in the charge of the EIA Engineer. 第二十条环境影响评价工程师对其主持完成的环境影响评价相关工作的技术文件承担相应责任。
Article Twenty-Four SEPA formulates the technical document categories, measures of registration management and relevant regulations of EIA. 第二十四条环境影响评价的技术文件种类、登记管理办法及相关规定由环保总局另行制定。
Article Twenty-Three Those engaged in EIA for long time prior to the national examination of the professional certificate of the EIA Engineer, with high theoretical background and rich operational experiences, and hired as senior professional technical po 第二十三条在全国实施环境影响评价工程师职业资格考试之前,对长期从事环境影响评价工作,具有较高理论水平和丰富实践经验,并受聘担任工程类高级专业技术职务的人员,可通过考核认定取得环境影响评价工程师职业资格证书。
Article Two State-owned enterprises' utilizing of foreign investment for reshuffling, primarily means that state-owned enterprises' utilizing direct foreign investment to annex other domestic enterprises (hereinafter Annexation Projects), to complement se 第一条为了加强对国有企业利用外商投资进行资产重组的管理,切实贯彻“积极、合理、有效”利用外资的方针,维护国有资产权益,推动国有企业改革,根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》及其他法律法规,制定本规定。
Article VII Operators engaged in exporting dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies shall register at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation [MOFTEC]. 第七条从事核两用品及相关技术出口的出口经营者,须经对外贸易经济合作部登记。
Article X The applicant shall fill in the Export Application Form factually. MOFTEC prints the Export Application Form uniformly. 第十条申请人应当如实填写出口申请表。出口申请表由对外贸易经济合作部统一印制。

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