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Firstly, individual farmers are able to personally capitalize on their investment, which creates wealth, stability and a larger sense of control (Figure 1).

Firstly, choose cotton net surface. 第一,表层要选择棉网面的。
Firstly, culture consciousness let us know the limit of technology itself; secondly, the problem existing in cultural quality and life concepts is a key reason for the heavy burden of Chinese city transportation finally, cultural involvement determines di 首先,文化意识的自觉可以使我们充分认识到技术本身的局限性;其次,现代文明素质与生活观念等方面存在的问题,也是造成中国城市交通系统负荷沉重的一个重要原因;再次,文化参与的程度直接决定了城市交通的“人性化”内涵。
Firstly, for normal high building, second-class measurement could meet the needs of sinking survey; secondly, the location of survey should be based on the design drawing and choosing the first structure layer as a survey period; thirdly, the arrangement 首先对一般的高层建筑物来说,只需二等水准测量即可满足沉降观测的要求;其次,对于沉降观测点及观测的周期,通常要按照设计图纸的要求布设观测点,观测的周期一般以一个结构层为一个观测周期;第三,对沉降观测结果的整理,要定期定人及时准确,发现问题要及时解决处理;最后,建筑物沉降观测的结果要及时反馈给勘察、设计和施工单位,为下一步的勘察、设计和施工提供可靠的参考依据。
Firstly, hardly any companies went under in the first quarter. 首先,今年前三个月几乎没有一家公司破产。
Firstly, how does God's providence work amongst His people? 首先,神的道是如何在他的民中做工的?
Firstly, individual farmers are able to personally capitalize on their investment, which creates wealth, stability and a larger sense of control (Figure 1). 首先,个体农民能将平衡施肥用于个人投资,创造财富、稳定收入和较大程度地控制生产(图1)。
Firstly, it always keeps players high up the pitch in order to launch counters or run after clearances. “2规则”总是使得有球员前压到前场,来发动反击,或者追抢解围。
Firstly, it introduces some lately works of leading designers, including the diversity of the kitchen's function, light design and so on. 首先介绍了一些设计大师的最新作品,包括厨房的功能多样性设计,灯光设计等。
Firstly, it is very important for all of us to introspect into our own minds. 首先﹐对我们所有人来说﹐内观心性是非常重要的。
Firstly, it should be noted there is no comprehensive formal history of the project, and there may well be key members who have chosen to remain anonymous. 首先,要注意,这个计划并无全面广泛的正式历史,主要成员仍然选择保留匿名。
Firstly, let me tell you why he is a real father. 首先,让我告诉你他为什么是一个真正的父亲。

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