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It's insensitive to laugh at unfortunate people.

It's incredible. 令人难以置信/不可思议。
It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home. 在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。
It's inessential whether she will join in our activity. 她是否参加我们的活动无关紧要。
It's innocuous to drink the raw water in Japan. 在日本喝生水是不要紧的。
It's input/output, as in searches, chat rooms, e-commerce and gaming or notification agents, peer-to-peer applications and real-time feedback. 交互是输入和输出,好比你在搜索,在聊天室,使用电子商务,游戏或者通告,点对点应用,实时反馈。
It's insensitive to laugh at unfortunate people. 嘲笑不幸的人是麻木不仁的行为。
It's insolent of that child to say bad words loudly. 那个孩子大声地说脏话,很没有礼貌。
It's instant recognition, or it is nothing. 它是顿悟,否则就是拒绝。
It's insulation product are widely used by many of the leading manufacturers of engines, dynamotor, motor and metallurgy in china. 几年来,工厂已先后为铁路内燃和电力机车、大型矿用电力机车、发电机、变压器、电炉等提供了大量的绝缘材料,满足了用户的生产需要。
It's intended to be a behind-the-scenes look atthe process of creating these impressive videos. 他们有意在这段精彩动人的视频中透露了幕后制作过程。
It's interesting that all sources brush over the murder of Caesarian. 有趣的是所有的资料都没有注意到塞瑟瑞安的被杀。

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