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IMD has products and display kits for (1) wearable displays, (2) portable projectors and (3) optical engines for rear projectors.

IMAGES' annual review of contemporary architecture again delivers inspirational projects from around the world. IMAGES每年的当代建筑回顾又一次收集了许多世界上振奋人心的建筑项目。
IMAGIMAX - the leading Animation &Design Studio and a true pioneer &innovator in the rapidly evolving Computer-Generated Imagery (“CGI”) industry in Thailand . 泰国首屈一指的动画设计工作室,而且是迅猛发展的CGI(计算机生成图像)的先锋和变革者。
IMAGINE being the only person in the Forbidden City. 想象一下紫禁城里只有你一个人的情景吧。
IMAGINE was recorded at your Tittenhurst Park home studio in ascot. 《想象》则是在亚斯科的腾哈思公园你家里录的。
IMC to BE a person of outstanding contribution for the association and the profession business, and experienced industry inside, a certain realm inside attain a new height or just pay a huge diligent member, carry on the multiform reward annually, leading IMC对为协会及行业事业做出突出贡献的人,和在行业内、某个领域内达到一个新的高度或正在付出巨大努力的会员,每年都进行各种形式的奖励,引导企业走向希望之路。
IMD has products and display kits for (1) wearable displays, (2) portable projectors and (3) optical engines for rear projectors. 亚高光电系列的微型显示器适用于(1)接目显示器,(2)手提投影机和(3)背投电视机光机等三种产品。
IMF headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. 国际货币基金总部位于华盛顿特区。
IMG alt=hspace=0 src=http://www.szdmz.com/study/UploadFiles_6368/200605/20060502152151204.gifalign=left border=0> A short walk through the narrow streets of Florence brings visitors to the famous Uffizi Gallery. 稍作散步一番走过佛罗伦萨狭窄的小巷,游客将来到著名的乌菲齐美术馆。
IMMEDIATE (ACUTE) EFFECTS: Dust may cause moderate eye, skin and respiratory irritation. 敏感反应:灰尘将导致眼,皮肤中度过敏.
IMMEDIATELY pull either the Shanghaiknife from shoulder holster with right hand, OR the Hulacross-draw for handgun. 立即用右手拔出挂肩枪套上的“上海”刀,或侧配的手枪。
IMO even more than the Tennis Game. 我觉得甚至超过了网球比赛。

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