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All official versions of the v1.5 firmware are identical - you can use the North American version (using the link in the readme) on any PSP, without any problems.

All of you, get outside now! 所有的人现在到外面。
All of your assignments are due on the dates written. 你们所有的作业按规定的到期日期缴交。
All of your loopback devices are in use. 请问是怎么会事?在使用的时候,无法生成另一个么?
All offers are not-binding and without obligation. 所有提供的内容都不具有法律约束力和义务。
All officers and enlisted personnel will have a winter service uniform, a spring/autumn service uniform, and a summer service uniform, consisting of service cap, beret, coats, long coat, jumper, trousers, shirts, tie, socks, shoes, etc. 全体官兵都将配发冬常服,春秋常服和冬常服,包括军帽,贝雷帽,外衣,长外套,工作服,裤子,衬衣,领带,袜子,鞋等。
All official versions of the v1.5 firmware are identical - you can use the North American version (using the link in the readme) on any PSP, without any problems. 任何版本的官方固件都是一样的,你也可以用我们提供的北美版(在降级说明文档中有连接),这个不会有问题。
All officials and staffs on site and check racetrack equipment. 00安全检验赛道设施,工作人员全部到位。
All officials must be prepared to call the obvious and clear violations and illegal contacts. 所有裁判必须准备对明显且清楚的违例和非法的接触做出宣判。
All oil companies must work hard to replace the hydrocarbons they use up. 所有的石油公司都必须尽量争取在石油开采完之前找到其他油田。
All on account of a ridiculous error. 而这一切都是由于一个荒唐的错误导致的。
All one had to see to know that was Igawa proudly wearing a Yankees jacket as he left the stadium. 每一个人都看到了当井川庆离开洋基球场时是穿著洋基队的外套。

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