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[bbe] And opening all his heart to her, he said to her, My head has never been touched by a blade, for I have been separate to God from the day of my birth: if my hair is cut off, then my strength will go from me and I will become feeble, and will be like

[bbe] And one he-goat for a sin-offering; in addition to the regular burned offering, its meal offering, and its drink offerings. 又要献一只公山羊为赎罪祭.这是在常献的燔祭、和同献的素祭、并同献的奠祭以外。
[bbe] And one he-goat to take away your sin. 并献一只公山羊为你们赎罪。
[bbe] And one of the people of that place said in answer, And who is their father? So it became a common saying, Is even Saul among the prophets? 那地方有一个人说、这些人的父亲是谁呢、此后有句俗语说、扫罗也列在先知中麽。
[bbe] And one said to him, See, your mother and your brothers are outside, desiring to have talk with you. 有人告诉他说、看哪、你母亲和你弟兄站在外边、要与你说话。
[bbe] And one who had got away from the fight came and gave word of it to Abram the Hebrew, who was living by the holy tree of Mamre, the Amorite, the brother of Eshcol and Aner, who were friends of Abram. 有一个逃出来的人、告诉希伯来人亚伯兰.亚伯兰正住在亚摩利人幔利的橡树那里.幔利和以实各、并亚乃都是弟兄、曾与亚伯兰联盟。
[bbe] And opening all his heart to her, he said to her, My head has never been touched by a blade, for I have been separate to God from the day of my birth: if my hair is cut off, then my strength will go from me and I will become feeble, and will be like 参孙就把心中所藏的都告诉了他、对他说、向来人没有用剃头刀剃我的头、因为我自出母胎就归神作拿细耳人.若剃了我的头发、我的力气就离开我、我便软弱像别人一样。
[bbe] And over Jerusalem will be stretched the line of Samaria and the weight of Ahab; Jerusalem will be washed clean as a plate is washed, and turned over on its face. 我必用量撒玛利亚的准绳和亚哈家的线铊拉在耶路撒冷上,必擦净耶路撒冷,如人擦盘,将盘倒扣。
[bbe] And pulling at his coat, she said, Come to my bed; but slipping out of his coat, he went running away. 妇人就拉住他的衣裳,说,你与我同寝吧。约瑟把衣裳丢在妇人手里,跑到外边去了。
[bbe] And put it in the resting-place which had been cut out of the rock for himself; and after rolling a great stone to the door of it he went away. 安放在自己的新坟墓里、就是他凿在磐石里的.他又把大石头滚到墓门口、就去了。
[bbe] And put oil on them as you did on their father, so that they may be my priests: the putting on of oil will make them priests for ever, from generation to generation. 怎样膏他们的父亲、也要照样膏他们、使他们给我供祭司的职分.他们世世代代凡受膏的、就永远当祭司的职任。
[bbe] And put old stitched-up shoes on their feet, and old clothing on their backs; and all the food they had with them was dry and broken up. 他们到吉甲营中见约书亚、对他和以色列人说、我们是从远方来的.现在求你与我们立约。

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