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The PTC nontaster mutation provides a remarkable amount of information about early human migration.

The PRC recognizes that the view of computer crime as a type of criminal phenomenon has developed at a similar speed as computer technology. 摘要中国认知计算机犯罪是随著计算机技术的应用发展,并经由违法者之非法利用所産生的一种犯罪现象。
The PRC today is not yet a superpower, but it would be in 30-40 years. 翻译:中华人民共和国还没有变成超级大国,但是30-40年以后会。
The PRINCIPAL nods silently. AGENT CRANE enters. (校长默默地点点头。克雷恩探员进来。)
The PS light passing cover is made of imported hi-grade poly-resin plate, anti-static and anti-ultraviolet, good light passing, unchangeable in light color for long application. PS灯罩为进口高级多元树指,经抗静电、紫外线处理,不易沾尘,透光性能良好,长期不变色。
The PSD foresees the development of non-bank “payment institutions” which need no banking licence if their activities are restricted, though of course they would be subject to anti-money-laundering controls. 付费服务导航预见到了与银行无关的“付费协会”的发展不需要银行执照,当然,即使他们屈从于反洗钱的控制,是否他们的行为也会受到限制。
The PTC nontaster mutation provides a remarkable amount of information about early human migration. 这个PTC味觉受体基因的突变,为研究早期人类迁徙提供了极为丰富的资讯。
The PTCRs are of oxide themselves,without the nickel wire weak points of oxidization caused by high temperature,nor the fragile cases of the infrared tubes,with long life. PTC元件本身为氧化物,无镍铬丝之高温氧化弊端,也没有红外线管易碎现象,寿命长。
The PUBLIC ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - (PAO) is an attached agency of the Department of Justice which provides indigent litigants free legal assistance. 该机构和我国的“法律援助中心”完全一样,附属司法局,职能一样,给经济困难的当事人提供法律援助。
The PUI products will be coming soon. PUI产品将会很快和大家见面.
The PULSAR has participated the academic evaluations organized by national “863” (National High Technology Research and Development Program ) since 2003, and got good grades. 2003年以来多次参加国家“863”组织的学术评测,并取得了较好成绩。
The PULSAR system is developed with the following parts: the robust feature extraction based on auditory mechanisms, acoustic modeling with mandarin pronunciation characteristics, search space building based on WFST, and efficient global decoding scheme. 本研究实现的系统PULSAR包括:基于听感知机理的抗噪声特征提取,针对汉语发音特点的声学建模,基于加权有限状态自动机(WFST)的搜索空间,融合声学模型和语言模型的高效全局解码。

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