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Another finding here is the irregular pale tan plaques of collagen over the purple capsule known as sugar icingor hyaline perisplenitiswhich follows the splenomegaly and/or multiple episodes of peritonitis that are a common accompaniment to cirrhosis of t

Another feature in Britain is politeness. 在英国另一个特点是有礼貌。
Another feature of London's shopping life is the chain store, in which prices are low and a wide variety of goods are offered. 伦敦购物生活另一特色是连锁店,里面价格低廉,提供各种商品。
Another feature of copyright law which limits its potency is that it does not protect ideas; it merely protects the very expression of an idea. 版权法的另一特征是它不保护作品的思想本身,只保护作品思想的表达。这一特征对版权法本身的作用有所限制。
Another feature of the year is that quite a few countries will see political change. 另一大猪年的特征是将能看到不少国家的政治变革。
Another film that is undergoing cutting - and a release date change - is the $70 million sci-fi update The Time Machine, starring Guy Pearce. 另一部即将被剪切镜头和更改放映期的影片是耗资7000万美元的科幻电影《时间机器》,该影片由盖伊-皮尔斯领衔主演。
Another finding here is the irregular pale tan plaques of collagen over the purple capsule known as sugar icingor hyaline perisplenitiswhich follows the splenomegaly and/or multiple episodes of peritonitis that are a common accompaniment to cirrhosis of t 此图的另一表现是紫色被膜上遍及胶原的异常淡褐色斑块,称为“糖衣”或“透明蛋白性脾周炎”,它继发于脾脏肿大和/或肝硬化常见并发症腹膜炎反复发作。
Another finding of this study was that the comparison group spent mor time teaching patients than the experimental group. 而卫教所花费时间则显示团体卫教措施较个别卫教省时。
Another finding was that fertility rates have declined in those parts of Morocco and Turkey that export labour to Europe. 报告的另一项发现是,在摩洛哥和土耳其向欧洲输出劳动力的地区,生育率有所下降。
Another focus of ire has been the snappily named Verbandvreinbarung (=group agreement), an accord reached between the big utilities that sets terms for grid access. 另一个愤怒的焦点已经显著命名为组织协议,在那个大的为访问电网而设置项目工具之间达成一个协定。
Another follows with his selection. 另外一位也如此选念一段。
Another form of personalized content, in need of some great design ideas, is blogging, which is making just about everyone a publisher. 另一种需要创意的个性化的内容形式,就是博客,它使得每一个人都成为编辑、美编和出版商。

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