In an unusual congenital anomaly, his 12th ribs are missing.
奥兹有个罕见的先天异常——他没有第12对肋骨。 |
In an upcoming content patch (2.1.0) Warlocks will be able to use their succubus to seduce many humanoid creatures which are currently immune to charm effects.
下个补丁中,术士可以通过媚魔魅惑许多原先免疫诱惑效果的人形生物。 |
In an upstairs room of my city house, at midnight, I would send out through the open windows long, tortured fragments of Alwin Schroeder's 170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello to mingle with the squeals of cats.
午夜时分,我在城里住宅的楼上房间里,经常拉阿尔温.舒罗德的《大提琴基本练习曲170首》,从敞开是窗户传出长时间折磨人的练习曲片段,和猫的抗议声混在一起。 |
In an urban environment where there are numerous reflections, the adaptive array can receive from and transmit to a small area surrounding the phone.
在具有无数反射讯号的都会环境中,适应型阵列可针对电话周围的小区域收发讯号。 |
In analog TV, such multipath distortion shows up as ghosts.
在类比电视中,这种多路径失真的外在现象就是鬼影。 |
In analysing the figure, the planets involved are the key to the manifestation.
在分析这图形时,牵涉的行星是象征的关键。 |
In anarchy, states can only resort to the balance of power to stop the invasive ambitions of other states in order to prevent the occurrence of war, which is usually the result of the imbalance of power.
在无政府状态下,为了防止战争的发生,国家间只有藉助权力平衡的手段,才能遏止他国的侵略野心,战争的发生往往是权力失衡的结果。 |
In ancient Babylon one thousand talents of frankincense was burnt on the altar of Bel during his annual feast.
在古代巴比伦,在每年一次的贝尔节日上,一千支的乳香燃烧在献祭贝尔的祭坛上。 |
In ancient Babylonia, the most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm tools to their owners.
在古巴比伦尼亚,最常见的新年决心便是将借来的农具归还原主。 |
In ancient China mails were sent by mailmen on horseback.
在古代中国,邮递员骑马送信。 |
In ancient China, a Taoist text quotes the Scarab rolls its pellet, and life is born in it as an effect nondispersed work spiritual concentration.
在古老的中国,一本道教文章引述“圣甲虫滚转它的圆球,而生命在它一出生就赋予一个非分散灵魂浓缩的工作作用”。 |