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In Prisoner of Azkaban, Slytherin requested a change in schedule on the basis of Draco Malfoy's injuries, so the usual playing order was not followed, with all Gryffindor's other matches moving up one time slot and Gryffindor - Slytherin moving to the end

In Preliminary data emerging from our open label trials we are observing stage III and IV pressure ulcers resolve completely in about 6 weeks depending on the starting size of the ulcer with no change in ongoing best practicepressure ulcer management. 从我们一项公开标示的试验初步数据显示,患者配合服用怡妙康?并继续原有的“最佳”褥疮疗程,第三及第四级褥疮在经过约六周(视褥疮原来的大小而定)后完全消除。
In Prime Creators universe here, all things are allowed. 在最初的创造者的世界里,一切被容许。
In Princess Drubetskoy's case, however, he felt after her new appeal something akin to a conscience-prick. 但是在名叫德鲁别茨卡娅的公爵夫人这桩事情上,经过她再次央求之后,他心里产生一种有如遭受良心谴责的感觉。
In Print dialog box, choose your printer under Name: (see table below). 在列印视窗之名称:内,选择印表机(见下表).
In Prisoner of Azkaban, Rowling puts Ginny in the background again. 在《囚徒》中,罗琳又一次把金妮放在了幕后。
In Prisoner of Azkaban, Slytherin requested a change in schedule on the basis of Draco Malfoy's injuries, so the usual playing order was not followed, with all Gryffindor's other matches moving up one time slot and Gryffindor - Slytherin moving to the end 在《囚徒》中,斯莱特林以德拉科·马尔福受伤为由请求改变赛程表,所以通常的比赛顺序被打乱了,格兰芬多的其他所有比赛的时间提前了一回合,而格兰芬多对斯莱特林的比赛则移到了赛程表的最后。
In Problem 2, the divisor of the division is unknown. In problem 3, the dividend is unknown. 师:请同学们归纳求除数和被除数的关系式.(先让学生小组讨论,自行探究。
In Proceedings of the 1996 International Electronic Devices and Materials Symposia (IEDMS' 96) (pp. 409-412), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 载于1997年第一届高科技新展望国际会议暨八十五年度国科会工程处微电子学门专题计划研究成果发表会汇编(页13-18),彰化台湾民俗村啸月山庄,1997年7月18-20日。
In Protestant areas, they are usually loyalist and support the existing union with the United Kingdom. 但是在新教的社区中,他们通常希望维持与英国的统一。
In Puerto Rico many years ago near the Condado Lagoon, there lived a poor isherman.He lived alone in a hut. His only companion was his dog. 很多年前,在波多黎各咸水湖附近住着一个贫穷的老渔夫,他独自一人住在一个草棚里,只有一只狗与他为伴。
In Pursuit of Understanding Race Joe had always been on a qualitative quest to understand his history and the racism that he had experienced. 弄清自己是谁乔总是从质量上追求理解他的历史和他所经历的种族主义。

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