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A cool dad is a gay who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be.And they're probably snapshots of you.

A convincing counterargument came from paleontologists Philip Signor of the University of California at Davis and Jere Lipps, now at Berkeley. 美国加州大学戴维斯分校的席格诺与现于柏克莱分校的李普斯,提出过一个可信的论证来反驳陨石说。
A cook reported seeing two men dressed in camouflage inside the building just before classes started Thursday morning. 在星期四早上,一个厨师报警说在上课前看到了两个伪装的男人。
A cook who changes a recipe or even makes one up is using the creative process to create novel taste sensations. 一位厨师改变或甚至自创出一份食谱,就是利用创造的过程来制造新奇的味觉体验。
A cookie can be made like that. 可以把一个饼子做成那样。
A cool air blew in when the windows was opened. 窗户被打开时,进来了一股冷空气.
A cool dad is a gay who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be.And they're probably snapshots of you. 酷爸爸就是那样一个家伙,在他平常放钱的包里,会放上几张快照。它们很可能就是你的照片。
A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk. 走了很长的一段路之后,一杯冷饮使我恢复了精神。
A cool negotiator. 冷静的谈判者
A coolant, which may he liquid sodium, water or some other substances can carry away the heat produced in the reactor. 像液体钠、水或其他一些物质这样的冷却剂能吸走反应堆所产生的热。
A cooling drink is welcome on a hot day. 在热天清凉饮料很受欢迎.
A copier that has been used a lot often has some dark smudges. 复印机经常使用常会出现黑色的脏污。

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