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So we can confidently believe what God says about the future.

So we began our work in the same way anyone here would begin it. We asked: How could the world let these children die? 所以,我们用任何人都会想到的方式开始工作。我们问:“这个世界怎么可以眼睁睁看着这些孩子死去?”
So we boiled my son and ate him. 29我们就煮了我的儿子吃了。
So we came up with a deceptively simple feature that I expect will quickly become a must-have feature: keyword alerts. 这样我们提出的简单虚幻的期望特点将迅速成为必要特点:关键字提醒。
So we can be sure of the quality. 这样我们才能确保产品质量。
So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study. 司马迁理所当然是中国楚辞学和中国赋学研究的开创者和奠基人。
So we can confidently believe what God says about the future. 所以,我们坚定地相信神对未来的说法。
So we can help to choose appropriate performances to cater for different situations. 我们为您准备了专业的演出节目,贯穿始终,从视觉至感受,贴切地配合您的各类活动。
So we can let it go at that. 那我们就这样算了吧。
So we can make a conclution that we should make the best of our days and be a good student. 我们可以说,我们要充分利用我们的日子,是一个好学生.
So we can not purchase now, and we can connect with you if the market price returns. 所以暂时无法进货,等到市场行情有所回升时再与贵公司联系。
So we can't breed a good breed with advantage of crossbreed. 本文作者从品种的系统选育角度,分析了这一地方鸭种资源的选育价值。

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