How quickly can you get here?
你最快多久能过来? |
How quickly one realizes, when doing it oneself, that a job which takes the skilled man an hour or so to complete takes the amateur handyman five to six at least.
一旦自己动手去做,他们很快就意识到,手艺人一小时左右就能干完的活,外行人至少得花上五、六个小时。 |
How quickly should I use the dye mixture?
混合液可以使用多久? |
How quickly suntan disappears! You wouldn't think they were brown as berries only a month ago.
他们晒黑的皮肤这么快就变白了。你真难想像一个月前他们晒得又红又黑,像熟浆果一样。 |
How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it...If that mark was made by a nail, it can't have been for a picture, it must have been for a miniature—the miniature
我们的思绪是多么容易一哄而上,簇拥着一件新鲜事物,像一群蚂蚁狂热地抬一根稻草一样,抬了一会,又把它扔在那里……如果这个斑点是一只钉子留下的痕迹,那一定不是为了挂一幅油画,而是为了挂一幅小肖像画——一幅卷发上扑着白粉、脸上抹着脂粉、嘴唇像红石竹花的贵妇人肖像。 |
How realistic is the high-frequency signal of a 0.1° resolution ocean model?
一个0.1°分辨海洋模式的高频信号怎样逼真的? |
How regretful I was for my carelessness the night before!
回想起那晚我竟如此的粗心,心里就充满了懊悔。 |
How romantic their life was!
国内的新婚生活多么甜蜜浪漫! |
How rude of you to barge into the conversation!
你打断人家的谈话,多没礼貌啊! |
How satisfied are you with Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa's policy speech?
整体黎讲,你对特首董建华今年发表既施政报告满唔满意呢? |
How say ye, We are mighty and strong men for the war?
14你们怎吗说,我们是勇士,是有勇力打仗的呢。 |