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China's Foreign Ministry Thursday responded angrily to the allegation, accusing Japan of vile behaviorand deliberately trying to smear China's image.

China's Constitution provides that it is prohibited to illegally search a citizen's body, and to illegally search or intrude into citizens' houses. 中国宪法规定,禁止非法搜查公民的身体,禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。
China's Constitutionalism and its Recent Developments in China and Taiwan. 中国的宪政及其在大陆和台湾的发展。
China's Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Wang Zhenchuan, has acknowledged that almost every defendant wrongfully convicted of a crime in recent years was tortured to extract a confession. 中国副检察长王振川承认,最近几年出现的刑事错案中,几乎每一个被误判的刑事被告都遭受过刑讯逼供。
China's E-business is still in its infancy and remains to develope. 中国的电子商务还处于初级阶段,还有待于发展.
China's Environmental Agency confirmed that the river, which supplies the city, had suffered major water pollution,the official New China News Agency said late Wednesday. 中国的环保机构证实向这座城市供水的河流遭到“严重水污染,”星期三晚些时候新华新闻社的一位官员说。
China's Foreign Ministry Thursday responded angrily to the allegation, accusing Japan of vile behaviorand deliberately trying to smear China's image. 中国外交部发言人星期四对这一指称做出愤怒回应,指称这是日本政府“刻意诋毁中国形像”的“恶意行为”。
China's Foreign Ministry Wednesday demanded that the U.S. lift the sanctions immediately. 美国指责这些公司向伊朗提供敏感的军事设备。
China's Foreign Ministry has confirmed that two Chinese citizens were kidnapped in Nigeria Saturday. 中国外交部证实,两名中国公民星期六在尼日利亚被绑架。
China's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that torture and cruelty against cats and dogs was not widespread in China. 中国外交部星期二说,虐待猫、狗的现象在中国并不普遍。
China's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday it was dissatisfied with such groundless words. 中国的外交部于周三说他们对此“毫无根据的言论感到不满”。
China's Foreign Ministry said today Thursday the Dalai Lama should not be given a platform to discuss what Beijing calls separatist activities. 中国外交部星期四说,不应当为达赖喇嘛提供讨论北京称为分裂活动的机会。

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