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This boy was already well on the road to becoming a man, having learned one of the central ethics of his gender: Experience pain rather than show fear.

This boy is not big , but he is very clever. 这男孩个子不大,但却很聪明。
This boy is not big, but he is very clever. 这孩子长得牛高马大,可心灵手巧。
This boy is polite to everyone. 这个男孩对所有人都很礼貌。
This boy is very smart,he may be another Edison. 这个男孩非常聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。
This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison. 这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。
This boy was already well on the road to becoming a man, having learned one of the central ethics of his gender: Experience pain rather than show fear. 不仅如此,甚至可以说这个男孩已经快要成为一名男子汉了,因为他已具备男子汉所应有的重要品质之一:不惧怕痛苦,勇于体验痛苦。
This boy's honesty is above suspicion. 这孩子的诚实是不容置疑的。
This boy, with whom I used to play when I was a child and who has since become famous, was the son of a farmer. 这个男孩,我小时候经常跟他在一起玩而现在他已经成名了,原来是一个农夫的儿子。
This bra hooks in the front. 呃件胸罩的戕扣在前面。
This bracelet is meant for me, I assume. 为这手镯是买给我的。
This brainy anteater loves to eat ants! He's always getting his nose intro trouble. 这只颇有头脑的食蚁兽超爱吃蚂蚁!他的鼻子总是遇到大麻烦。

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