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The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape.

The prisoner is brought into the courtroom under armed guard. 在武装人的看守下,罪犯被带进法庭。
The prisoner is fettered with a ball and chain attached to one ankle. 这个囚犯脚上带着一根系有铁球的脚链。
The prisoner is his inmate. 那个囚犯和他同住一起。
The prisoner is sure to be condemned. 这囚犯必被判刑。
The prisoner made a voluntary statement. 那个犯人主动地做了供述。
The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape. 该名战俘给予自己的言词保证不去试著逃跑。
The prisoner paced the floor of his cell . 那犯人在牢房里来回地走著.
The prisoner paced the floor of his cell. 那犯人在牢房里来回地走著.
The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息.
The prisoner refused to accept the jurisdiction of the court. 那囚犯拒绝接受法院的管辖权。
The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him. 囚犯对被控罪名再三否认。

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