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Any signature by an agent must indicate whether the agent has signed for or on behalf of the master, owner or charterer.

Any shipper or passenger may, on voluntary basis, buy insurance policy for transport of goods at an insurance agency and the insurance agency shall be liable for indemnity in conformity with the agreement as stated in the insurance contract. 托运人或者旅客根据自愿可以向保险公司办理货物运输保险,保险公司按照保险合同的约定承担赔偿责任。
Any shipper or passenger may, on voluntary basis, enter into insured transport of valued goods or buy insurance policy for transport of goods, or may do without. 托运人或者旅客根据自愿,可以办理保价运输,也可以办理货物运输保险;还可以既不办理保价运输,也不办理货物运输保险。
Any shipper or passenger who has voluntarily applied for insured transport of valued articles shall be entitled to an indemnity on a par with the actual loss but not exceeding the insured value. (一)托运人或者旅客根据自愿申请办理保价运输的,按照实际损失赔偿,但最高不超过保价额。
Any shovel or chisel shaped central or lateral tooth. Incisors have an incisal edge and concave lingual/ palatal which makes them perfectly adapted for cutting food. 所有铲形或凿形的中央或侧方的切牙.门牙有一个切割缘和舌/腭的凹面以利于对切割食物做最佳的调整.
Any side refusing to accept such decision as final may ask the standing council to arbitrate. 理事会的决议、决定或协调意见,在本条约规定范围内有强制效力。
Any signature by an agent must indicate whether the agent has signed for or on behalf of the master, owner or charterer. 代理的签字必须显示其是否作为船长、船东或租船主的代理或代表签署提单。
Any signature by an agent or proxy must indicate whether the agent or proxy has signed for or on behalf of the insurance company or underwriter. 代理人或代表的签字必须标明其系代表保险公司或承保人签字。
Any signature by the master, owner, charterer or agent must be identified as that of the master, owner, charterer or agent. 船长、船东、租船主或代理的任何签字必须分别表明其船长、船东、租船主或代理的身份。
Any single cell division in such a series. 细胞分裂这种一组分裂中的任何一次简单细胞分裂
Any single parcel of land as shown or defined on a recorded instrument or defined by metes and bounds, which is designated by its owner at the time of filling for a building permit or certificate of occupancy as a tract to be used, developed or built upon 在某种记录载体上记录和定义或立有地界的一片土地,它是由基地主人在申请建筑许可证和占有许可证时确定供使用、开发或建筑的一片土地,但不包括街道。
Any site that doesnt link back to our site will be remove periodically upon inspection, thank you for cooperation. 没有连接回我们的论坛的网页或论坛,我们将会把连接删除.谢谢合作.

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