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State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of10% to15%.

State Environmental Protection Administration issued the Notice on Strengthening Ambient Noise Pollution Monitoring and Management during Period of Entrance Exams for Universities. 国家环保总局发出了《关于在高考期间加强环境噪声污染监督管理的通知》。
State Grain Reserves Ningxiang Depot has given its work force an all-rounded training for the knowledge of inspection, warehousing, and computers, etc. 中央储备粮宁乡直属库对职工进行了全面的检验知识、仓储知识、计算机知识等内容的培训。
State Grid Corp, China's largest power transmission company, said the National Development and Reform Commission has approved its proposal for a 5,000-kilometer 500 KV electrical transmission line on the Sino-Russia border. 国家电网公司称,国家发改委业已批准该公司在中俄边境地区铺设一条5,000公里长500千瓦高压输电线。
State Grid Corporation of China (ongoing since 2001). 中国国家电网总公司(从2001年开始).
State Machine-Building Industry, the Ministry of Machine-character (81) 1011, machine word (82) 189 # given me factory (Changchun First Automobile plant production cooperation), and sentinel production, the company produced by the China Environmental Prot 由国家机械工业部机字(81)1011号、机字(82)189号文下达我厂研制(长春第一汽车制作厂合作),并定点生产,由中国环境保护公司监制。
State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of10% to15%. [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提出了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险公司],以便将该州最大保险公司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
State TV said the video was shot during Chavez's previously unannounced visit to Havana on Monday. 古巴电视台表示,录像拍摄于29日,当天查韦斯在事先没有透露半点风声的情况下,抵达古巴首都哈瓦那。
State Your Case -- If you are seeking a job in a field in which you have no prior experience, don\'t use the chronological format for your resume. 直截了当――如果你对要找的工作,没有任何工作经验可谈,不要按时间顺序写履历。
State Yuan Corporation Board consists of three specialized committees, the company established investment banks, the Ministry of Investment Management Department, asset management, the Ministry of International Business Division, brokerage operations mana 国元证券公司董事会下设三个专门委员会,公司内设投资银行部、投资管理部、资产管理部、国际业务部、经纪业务管理部、网上经纪业务部、固定收益部、收购兼并部、资金清算部等业务经营部门以及战略规划部、综合行政部、人力资源部、计划财务部、风险监管部、信息技术部等综合管理部门,36家证券营业部覆盖北京、上海、深圳、广州等金融中心城市及全省,是一个资产质量高、综合实力强、经营范围广的综合类证券公司。
State Yuan Corporation's business operations, including : securities brokers; Securities self; Share trading and listing of securities recommended; Securities investment consulting; Initiated the establishment of securities investment funds and fund manag 国元证券公司的经营范围包括:证券经纪;证券自营;证券的承销和上市推荐;证券投资咨询;发起设立证券投资基金和基金管理公司;资产管理;经中国证监会批准的其他业务。
State Yuan Securities is a limited liability company under the State Council on the letter card sub-industry, Trust industry revamp request to Anhui Province International Trust and Investment Corporation, Anhui Trust and Investment Corporation-owned secu 国元证券有限责任公司是根据国务院关于信证分业、信托业清理整顿的要求,以安徽省国际信托投资公司、安徽省信托投资公司所属证券营业部和证券类经营性资产为基础,联合其他有资格的法人单位按照现代企业制度共同发起设立的,经中国证监会批准、工商行政管理部门注册登记的综合类证券公司,注册资本20.3亿元人民币。

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