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Notice:master the way of how to paint hair,brow,eyes,etc.

Notice: Intern means you are still an university student while in our company. This chance is only provided to the students. 请注意:实习的意思是,在我公司实习期间,您的身份须是全日制的在读学生。此实习机会只提供给广大的学生朋友。非诚勿扰,谢谢合作。
Notice: No anonymous e-mail will be processed. 注意:任何匿名电邮将不获本会处理。
Notice: these free Books are only open to the Tibetan compatriots within the territory of PRC, but no region and nationality requirements for those who ask for Bible copies in the name of Tibetans. 特别说明:这次活动只面向中国中华人民共和国境内的藏族同胞,但是代为索取者则不限地区国籍和种族。
Notice:Finnair started Auto-cancel for the unticketed reservation(Including all Business and Economy class),please issue tickets according to the TKTING DEADLINE! 注:芬兰航空公司订座系统为电脑自动清理未出票订座记录的各等级座位,请按出票时限出票!
Notice:Paint hiding colour then,make it more tridimensional. 注意:顺便把暗部的颜色画上去,这样房子就显得立体。
Notice:master the way of how to paint hair,brow,eyes,etc. 注意:掌握头发、眉毛、腮部、眼睛的上色方法。
Noticeably contrived; artificial. 明显人为的;做作的
Noticed, have you?’ said Fred's voice. “你们也注意到了是不是?”弗雷德的声音传来。
Notices about who wants which card even appear on the Gryffindor notice-board, in the common room (OP17). 关于谁想要什么卡的布告曾出现在格栏分多公共休息室的公告板上。
Notices are numbered consecutively starting at the beginning of each year, with Admiralty, Australian and New Zealand Notices in separate service. 通告从每年开始连续编号,英版,澳大利亚和新西兰单独序号。
Notices based on original information, as opposed to those that republish information from another country, have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk. 根据原始资料而不是取自其他国家资料再发布的通告在其连续编号前有一个星形前缀。

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