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The effect is to reduce vehicle movements, recover a higher quantity with a higher market value around 20% to 25% of the waste in a sanitised and grade A condition for resale to recyclers and also reduce the number of personnel who would normally work in

The effect granted depends on the type of demon summoned. 这种效果是由你召唤的恶魔种类决定的。
The effect is a less fermentable wort, with a bit more mouthfeel than beer made with a pale ale malt. 它的作用是比啤酒更有一种麦芽麦酒的口感,较不容易发酵。
The effect is pernicious, he said, because sleep-restricted people report not feeling sleepy, even though their performance on tasks declines markedly. 这种损害是恶性循环,因为据调查,长期睡眠缺乏的人尽管其工作能力明显下降却没有困意。
The effect is studied systematically of various factors(such asthe reaction temperature,water consumption,proportioning and continuous operation mode)on the reaction process for the manufacture of potassium sulfate by double decomposition of potassium chl 系统探讨了各种因素(如反应温度、水用量、配料比以及连续化操作方式)对以氯化钾、硫酸铵为原料的复分解法制硫酸钾反应过程的影响,确定了适宜的转化反应工艺条件。
The effect is the same that the tug of the moon has on the Earth's oceans, but with much more violent results. 黑洞对恒星的作用和月亮对地球上海洋的吸引作用一样,但是结果要猛烈的多。
The effect is to reduce vehicle movements, recover a higher quantity with a higher market value around 20% to 25% of the waste in a sanitised and grade A condition for resale to recyclers and also reduce the number of personnel who would normally work in 减少垃圾收集车的运转,在已消毒的A类环境中将20%至25%的垃圾还原为具有较高市场价值,并且减少在此类设备中工作的员工人数。
The effect lasts for the duration of the Prayer and for 5 rounds thereafter. 影响从修士祈祷开始,并在祈祷结束之后持续五轮。
The effect lasts for the duration of the Prayer, and for 5 rounds thereafter. 当修士祈祷的时候,影响就持续,祈祷结束后还会持续5轮。
The effect makes it sound as though two guitars are being played at once -- a rhythm guitar and a lead guitar. 使用这种塑胶片进行演奏时,音乐听起来的效果就好像是同时有两把吉他在进行演奏一般:一把吉他负责保持节奏,而另一把吉他则负责引领音乐进行。
The effect may be minimized by lowering the Q of the inductance, which is most.easily done by inserting a small resistance in the power line, close to the IC. 降低电感的Q值可以抑制谐振。只要在靠近芯片的地方加一个小电阻,就可以很容易地达到这个目的。
The effect of 20 g / 100 g diet of lactalbumin (L), casein (C), soy (S) and wheat (W) protein on the immune responsiveness of C3H/HeN mice has been investigated by measuring the humoral immune response to the T cell-independent antigen, TNP-Ficoll. 摘要:本研究测量体液对T细胞抗原的免疫反应,探讨不同的蛋白补充剂(包括乳白蛋白、酪蛋白、大豆蛋白及小麦蛋白)饲料(20克蛋白/100克饲料)对小鼠免疫反应的效果。

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