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One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with aShanghaisedan .

One could speculate that in the 21st century, internet is another pathogen exporting western values. 我们可以推测,到21世纪,因特网将是另一个出口西方价值观的病原体。
One could try to escape the dilemma and say that life and man are not solely a product of natural selection, but to do this undermines the central concept and motive force of evolutionary theory. 一个办法可以试着逃脱这个两难的困境,认为生命和人不是孤独的,是自然选择的成果,但是这样做会渐渐破坏进化理论的中心观念和理论动机的影响力。
One could understand the resentment. 有人肯定会明白它的不满。
One courageous Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky, where he kept a log of his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip. 一位勇敢的循道宗牧师卡尔文·费尔班克在肯塔基州被关押了17年多,他记录了自己遭受毒打的情况:总共被鞭笞了35,105下。
One courtier even went so far as to tell the Prince that, though it was quite true that no man could be worth anything unless he had a long nose, still, on a woman's face a smaller nose could be most attractive. 有位侍臣甚至这样讨好王子说,虽然男人没有大鼻子,就一无是处,但是,女人脸上的小鼻子也可能美丽绝伦。
One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with aShanghaisedan . 一架起重机的吊杆伸入二号舱,吊出一辆上海牌轿车。
One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with aShanghaisedan. 一架起重机的吊杆伸入二号舱,吊出一辆上海牌轿车。
One criticism is that the pursuit is self-defeating. 一种批评认为,这种追求是自我拆台的行为。
One criticism leveled at advanced market commitments (AMCs), as the purchase commitments are now called, is that they would encourage industry to dust off abandoned, mediocre vaccine candidates. 某个批评声浪则认为,现在称为「先行市场委托(AMC)的购买承诺,将鼓励制药业使用那些被抛弃、较为次等的候补疫苗。
One crowded hour of a glorious life is worth an age without a name. 辉煌生命中忙碌的一小时,抵得上碌碌无为的一世。
One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name. 在一小时的生命里充满著荣耀胜过一辈子过著寂寂无名的生活。

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