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Base on it, we track the time and space change of stress drop in research region, and disscuss the evolvement characteristics of time and space of stress drop before Jun. 2004.

Base on densification mechanism and its theory of oscillatory roller, this text analyses other densification mechanisms and theories, and the relation between them. 摘要在介绍振荡压路机压实机构及原理的基础上,延伸分析了几种压实机构及原理,并分析了这些压实机构及原理之间的关系。
Base on discuss, choosing Mongolian Scotch Pine and Manchurian Ash as experiment species, using three kinds of wood fire-retardant treatment methods which included soaking at some pressure, pressurized soaking under ultrasonic wave and the pressurized soa 在讨论的基础上,以樟子松和水曲柳为木材试样,选择压力浸渍、超声波加压浸渍和微波处理后超声波加压浸渍3种木材阻燃处理方法,经过试验,说明在生产阻燃木材的浸渍方法中引入超声波技术是可行的。
Base on failure analysis and stress distribution analysis of the stuffing box using the Lame Formula and software ANSYS in predigested model, it is found that the composition of the material accorded with the requirement for stuffing box, and the microstr 摘要对产生裂纹的填料盘进行了失效分析,通过拉梅公式和有限元分析软件对填料盘简化模型进行了受力分析。
Base on fuzzy mathematics and mathematical statistics, this text analyses the ingredients of selection plan of crushing and screening system and bring forwards a easy assessment method of lectotype. 摘要根据模糊数学及数理统计理论,通过分析破碎筛分系统选型的参考因素,介绍一种简单易行的选型方案评价方法。
Base on generalizing the experience of Sino-Zambia and Sino-Mozambique agricultural cooperation, the author thinks that going outis a great strategy, so we need adhere to the four principles, to combine with food security, foreign aid and agriculture trad 摘要本文在总结中国与赞比亚、莫桑比克农业合作经验的基础上,认为实施农业“走出去”是推动我国农业发展的一个大战略,应该坚持四项原则,做到与粮食安全相结合、与援外工作相结合、与农业贸易相结合。
Base on it, we track the time and space change of stress drop in research region, and disscuss the evolvement characteristics of time and space of stress drop before Jun. 2004. 在此基础上开展了该研究区应力降时空变化的动态跟踪工作,最后对研究区2004年6月以前的应力降时空演化特征做了一定程度的探讨。
Base on my skills and experience, I'm looking for 3000yuan a month. 根据我的能力和经验,我希望月薪是3000元。
Base on our creditable management,we k eep on creating and innovating,and earn a lot in technical cooperation and cultural exchanges. 经营之道,贵在诚信。我们全体参展团体及客商将以诚为本,以发展为前提,以双赢为基点,积极开展与多方的技术交流、产品研发、合作贸易。
Base on regulating data of the temperature sensor of AWS in 2004 in Shandong Province, the cause of the result beyond measure is analyzed. 摘要利用2004年山东省自动气象站地温传感器校准资料,分析了校准结果超出计量性能要求的原因。
Base on the analysis on the current status, advantages and distribution of buckwheat production, according to the principles of advantage region distribution of buckwheat production, the advantage region distribution was studied, in order to improve the c 通过分析中国荞麦生产现状、优势与分布特点,按照荞麦优势区域布局规划原则和指导思想,进行荞麦优势区域布局研究,坚持以市场为导向,以提高荞麦国际市场竞争力为核心,以科技创新与推广为动力,通过品种改良、结构优化、改善品质,强化市场营梢,构建具有中国特色的荞麦产业发展体系。
Base on the careful analysis of the potential works by Shi-zhi during the period of the Cultural Revolution, it is pointed out that Shi-zhi's works show a symptom of schizophrenia due to the discovery of personal ideas and submission to the ideological ma 摘要本文通过对食指“文革”时期的潜在写作的细读,指出对个人声音的发现与对时代共名的屈从,使得其写作体现出精神分裂的症候。

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