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As a fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chill showers to ripen it,so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it.

As a frantic search for the creature begins, Number 5 settles down in his new home... with a gentle young woman who has every intention of holding on to her find. 展开对他搜索的同时,5号在新家定居了……还有一个善良的女人,一言一行都支持他的发现。
As a fresh course, integrative practical activity course becomes the focus of people's concern. 作为新的课程形态,综合实践活动课在整个课程体系结构中,成了人们关注的焦点,也成了亮点。
As a freshman in management academe,I'm willing to learn some manage skills,especially Microsoft's manage measure.MS club just offered me such a chance. 作为管理学院的新生,我当然十分乐于去学习一些管理技巧,尤其是微软的管理理念,而微软俱乐部正是给我提供了一个这样的学习机会。
As a friend said, to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. 如同一位朋友所说的,对一位持铁锤的人来说,每—样事看起来都像是钉子。
As a friend, I don't blame you for what you've done, but in my capacity as an officer of the law, I must do my duty and punish you. 做为一个朋友,我不责备你所做所为,但以一个法律官员的身分地位,我必须尽责并处罚你。
As a fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chill showers to ripen it,so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. 正如水果不仅需要阳光,也需要凉爽的夜晚与寒冷的雨水才能成熟,性格的陶冶不仅需要欢乐,也需要考验和困境。
As a fundamental subject, diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine has plentiful content, and involves various disease and syndromes. 摘要中医诊断学是中医各专业的基础课,内容丰富,病证繁多。
As a fundraising leader, what are your primary responsibilities? 身为一位募款领导人,你的主要责任为何?
As a future upper-end middle class MPS, NEEZA's unique exterior design, open space concept and hi-tech entertainment equipment also represent SVW's development capability and its vision of the future market. 而其独特的造型设计、开放空间理念、高科技影音装备,也显示了上海大众的整体开发实力和对未来市场的把握。
As a gag joke, she blindfolded her husband/'s friend and drove him to her home for a party. (作为一个戏弄的玩笑,她把她老公的朋友蒙住眼睛,开车到她家参加宴会。)
As a general contractor in Hong Kong, we are in need of one million square feet of the caption goods for prompt delivery. 本公司香港一家总承包商,目前需要此项货品100万平方英尺,须马上交货。

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