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Ryan, who became infected through a blood transfusion, became a celebrity for promoting a better understanding of AIDS.

Ryan goes home to brainstorm how to fight that bucket. 雷恩回家去好好想办法对付那个水桶。
Ryan is really an admirable contemporary scholar, for his one invention includes so many scientific theorems! 雷恩果然是当代了不起的学者,这一项发明就包括了许多科学原理!
Ryan runs to the bucket in agitation, ready for a violent kick. Take this! Thunderbolt Kick! 雷恩兴冲冲的跑到水桶面前,准备他惊世一踢!「看我的,踢破穹苍.混元霹雳脚!」
Ryan, 44, had always wanted a sibling for son Jack, 13. She got her wish recently: Months after applying to adopt a child in China, the single actress brought daughter Daisy home. 一直希望为自己的儿子、如今已13岁的杰克添个小伙伴,“甜姐”最近终于得偿所愿,她领养了可爱的中国小女孩戴茜。
Ryan, Sherry D. &Prybutok, Victor R. (2001). “Factors Affecting the Adoption of Knowledge Management Technologies: A Discriminative Approach,” Journal of Computer Information Systems (41:4), pp.31-37. 吴盛(92)。以计划行为理论探讨资讯人员的知识分享行为。国立中山大学资讯管理研究所博士论文,未出版,高雄市。
Ryan, who became infected through a blood transfusion, became a celebrity for promoting a better understanding of AIDS. 莱恩经输血传染得病后,成为推广爱滋病教育之名人。
Ryan: Hi, Mike. Haven't seen you for a while? How is Cathy? 雷恩:嘿,迈克。有段时间没见了。凯西还好吗?
Ryan: Me, too. Let's keep in touch. 我也会的。我们保持联系吧!
Ryan: Troy Bolton was looking at our audition list. 特洛伊·波顿在看我们的选拔名单。
Ryan: Trust me. I won't. I'll keep you posted. 相信我。我不会忘的。我会随时和你联系。
Ryan: What happened? Did you break up? 雷恩:怎么回事?你们分手了?

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