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Until now there are contradictorily results regarding the dominant SOC stabilization mechanisms, possibly depending on factors, such as ecosystem and soil type, soil depth, soil managements, as well as soil biological activity and community composition.

Until now no one had so clearly shown evidence that the glands actually exist on the feet of a living spider. 不过到目前为止,还没人有明确的证据表明存活于世的蜘蛛脚上有这种腺体.
Until now the First Lady's has had a more serious public persona, an advocate for education and women's rights in Afghanistan. 直到目前为止,第一夫人劳拉·布什一直保持着比较严肃的公众形像,倡导教育和阿富汗妇女的权益。
Until now the MOD allocated each contract on the merits of the specific bids for it. 直到现在为止,国防部决定防务合同的归属还只是根据该次投标中每家企业的出价来订。
Until now the cat was believed to be of the same species as the mainland clouded leopard . 直到现在猫被认为是同一品种的作为大陆云豹.
Until now the so-called law of sea has not been seen as a very important issue. 译文:直到现在大家并没有把所谓的海洋看作一件很重要的事。
Until now there are contradictorily results regarding the dominant SOC stabilization mechanisms, possibly depending on factors, such as ecosystem and soil type, soil depth, soil managements, as well as soil biological activity and community composition. 至今,有机碳稳定性的主导机制尚不清楚,但影响因素与生态系统类型、土壤类型、土层深度、土壤管理措施、土壤生物活性及群落组成等有关。
Until now we don't say his theory whether stand the test. 到目前为止我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验.
Until now we still don't have any idea how this kind of disease arised. 造成这种疾病的原因迄今几乎一无所知。
Until now, ADC values from gray matter in various lobes of the brain have not been reported, due to the difficulty of obtaining measurements in these regions. 到目前为止,脑不同叶灰质的ADC值尚未有报道,因为在这些区获得测量极为困难。
Until now, China had never recognised India's 1975 annexation of Sikkim. 直到今天,中国才承认1975年印度与锡金的合并。
Until now, Citigroup has taken a more ad hoc approach. 迄今为止花旗银行所采取的是一种比较特别的方式。

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