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If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased.

If you join the club, you must its rules. 如果你参加俱乐部就必须<遵守>它的规则。
If you join the club, you must abide by its rules. 你要加入这俱乐部,便得遵守其章程。
If you join the dots ,you can make a character. 如果你把这些点连起来就会写成一个字 幼儿园篇:
If you join the extracurricular activities, you can make many new friends. 无论何时你说谎,都会对你的名誉造成损失.
If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased! 如果你插队的话,别人会不高兴的。
If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased. 要是你不按次序排队,别的人会不高兴的。
If you just bear down, you will pass the test. 如果你努力,你会通过考试的。
If you just can't get excited about living in the desert with 2)rattlesnakes and cactus for company, there are plenty of other adventure courses that may challenge you. 如果你对在沙漠中与响尾蛇和仙人掌为伍感到兴趣缺缺,还有许多别的冒险课程可以给你挑战。
If you just pile up your organic garbage, it can take the microorganisms a long time. 这样桑个性气候你就可以得到混合肥料了。
If you just resize images by specifying a width and height in HTML or CSS, they will still be slow to download because the full file size is being used. 如果你仅是通过使用HTML和CSS来指定图片的宽度和高度,那么图片下载起来还是会很慢的,因为图片的实际大小并没有更改。
If you just tune in, we're talking about love and romance. 刚刚收听的听众,我们现在的话题是浪漫与爱情。

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