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I was in love with my girlfriend until I found out that she told all her friends that I were stupid,she's such a back-stabber.

I was in charge of my brother. 我在照看我弟弟。
I was in charge of the analysis of body welding quality problems during the course of new automobiles' development, the stipulation of solution schemes, as well as the edition of body parts detailed lists and various technical documents. 负责新车型开发过程中对白车身焊接质量问题的分析和解决方案的制订;同时也编制车身零部件的明细表及各种技术文档。
I was in doubt about what to do. 我拿不准该做什么。
I was in harness at the factory for over twenty years before it shut down. 我在那家工厂关闭前在那儿工作了20多年了。
I was in hk for a couple of days, and it did hit me that I can't turn back and be the annonymous passer by. 我前几天在香港,并且它提醒了我,我无法回头和成为陌生的过路人。
I was in love with my girlfriend until I found out that she told all her friends that I were stupid,she's such a back-stabber. 我很爱我的女朋友,直到我觉察她告诉她所有的朋友我很蠢,她真是一个暗箭伤人的人。
I was in my apartment alone. 照片中的我独自在公寓中。
I was in my office as usual,' answered the Ambassador. “我和往常一样,在办公室里,”大使回答说。
I was in my salad days then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、 涉世未深, 极易堕入情网.
I was in my salad days then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、涉世未深,极易堕入情网.
I was in my usual post-visit mood: tired and unsociable. 和每次探视之后一样,我的情绪疲惫而孤僻。

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