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Mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new car-he usually walks!

Mike drives like the devil. 迈克开车快得要命。
Mike has a car, doesn't he? 麦克有辆车,是吧?麦克有辆车,不是吗?
Mike has a souped-up engine under his hood. 迈克在引擎罩下装了一个增压器以增强马力。
Mike has his heart set on going to college in New York City. 迈克在心中定下目标--去纽约市的大学上学。
Mike has no chance to talk with him. 迈克没有机会和他说话。
Mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new car-he usually walks! 麦克驾车来到酒店,只是为了向大家炫耀他的那辆新车,他平时总是步行来的!
Mike hid himself behind the door. 麦克藏在门后。
Mike himself has an orange juice instead. 迈克却给自己倒了杯橙汁。
Mike hit the nail on the head in his speech on the demerits of the existing housing policy. 迈克在演讲中,一针见血地指出了当前房屋政策的弊端。
Mike is a first-rate leader who knows how to call the shots. 麦克是一个知道如何指挥的一流领导者。
Mike is a man in the office like Q in the corner. 迈克是个在办公室里不被重视却不可或缺的人物。

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