Robert Kraft, the head of Openfirst, a Milwaukee firm that processes direct mail and statements such as utility bills, said the Bucks were being very diplomatic and smart this early in the process. |
中文意思: 罗伯特.克拉福特,密尔沃基市欧彭福斯特公司的老总(一家专营直接邮件和报表的公司,如:公用债券),他说这一事件的早期,雄鹿队处理得很老道,也很聪明。 |
Robert Huth, still officially a Chelsea player, remained on the bench. His World Cup ends having played a single game against Ecuador.
罗伯特胡特,仍属切尔西球员,作为替补,在世界杯和厄瓜多尔的比赛中有过出场. |
Robert I of Scotland and Elizabeth de Burgh are crowned king and Queen of the Scots.
1306年的今天,苏格兰的罗伯特一世和伊丽莎白·德·伯被授冠成为苏格兰的国王和女皇。 |
Robert Kennedy was the front runner in the Democratic nomination when he was assassinated.
罗勃特·肯尼迪遇刺时,在民主党总统候选人提名竞争中处于领先的地位。 |
Robert Kincaid: I dont want to need you, 'cause I can't have you.
罗伯特:我不需要你,因为我无法拥有你。 |
Robert Kincaid: This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.
罗伯特:这般如此真实的爱,一生只有一次。 |
Robert Kraft, the head of Openfirst, a Milwaukee firm that processes direct mail and statements such as utility bills, said the Bucks were being very diplomatic and smart this early in the process.
罗伯特.克拉福特,密尔沃基市欧彭福斯特公司的老总(一家专营直接邮件和报表的公司,如:公用债券),他说这一事件的早期,雄鹿队处理得很老道,也很聪明。 |
Robert Lay: You hacker you. Thanks for always hooking me up, and flicking off paparazzi.
你真是棒透了,谢谢你常约与我碰面也帮我应付狗仔。 |
Robert Malley was President Clinton's special assistant for Arab-Israeli affairs. He now directs the Middle East and North Africa program at the International Crisis Group.
罗伯特。马里是克林顿总统的阿以事务特别助理。他现在为国际危机组织管理中东及北非项目。 |
Robert Mann, an airline industry analyst, says airlines drove passengers to the train by reducing the number of seats available for shorter trips and raising the walk-up priceof tickets on their shuttles.
一位航空工业分析家说,各航线由于在他们的班机上减少短途旅客座位和提高叫醒服务费导致了一部分旅客流向铁路。 |
Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, Princeton University Press, 1984.
猪口邦子,《后霸权体制与日本的选择》,时事出版社,1991年4月。 |
Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984), p32.
罗伯特·基欧汉、约瑟夫·奈著,门洪华译,《权利与相互依赖》,北京:北京大学出版社,2002年版,第9-10页。 |