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A joint resolution authorizing the printing and binding of a supplement to, and revised edition of, Senate Procedure.

A join is a Cartesian product of two row sets, with the join predicate applied as a filter to the result. 一个连接是两个行集的笛卡尔乘积,谓词连接作为一个过滤结果应用。
A joint European and Chinese research satellite has been launched from a base in southwestern China. 一颗由中国和欧洲航天局科学家们联合研究的探测卫星,日前在中国西南卫星发射基地成功发射升空。
A joint between two pieces of building material formed by a notch and a fitted projection. 啮合扣两块建筑材料之间的连接,由一个槽口和一个与之相称的凸起物构成
A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year. 一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。
A joint program -My Favorite Dish assumed by our school and St. Joan of Arc for China Central Audio-visual Education Program. 巴蜀小学与圣女贞德小学师生共同承担中国中央电教馆远程合作教育课题,课题名称:我最喜欢的一道菜。
A joint resolution authorizing the printing and binding of a supplement to, and revised edition of, Senate Procedure. 244参议院之程序补充及修订联席决议授权印刷及装订。
A joint statement Tuesday by those international organizations says the controversial cartoons are deplorable, but it also says the explosion of violent outrage by Muslims in many parts of the world has been alarming. 这三个国际组织星期二发表联合声明说,这些引起争议的漫画非常令人遗憾,但同时说,世界很多地区的穆斯林用暴力发泄愤怒令人担忧。
A joint statement issued on Tuesday February 13th after six days of discussions said North Korea had agreed to close its Yongbyon reactor within 60 days and allow the return of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to monitor the p 2月13日,也就是开始谈判的第六天,各方联合发表声明:朝鲜同意在60天期限内关闭在宁边的反应堆,并且同意国际原子能协会的观察员对该过程进行监督。
A joint stock limited company established through public share offer shall make public its financial and accounting reports. 以募集设立方式成立的股份有限公司必须公告其财务会计报告。
A joint venture may in its business operation obtain fund from foreign bank directly. 合资企业在其经营活动中,可以直接向外国银行筹措资金。
A joint venture of French communications companies has broken new ground by stringing fiber-optic cables to the homes of 1,500 telephone customers in the northern town of Biarrits and setting up an experimental two-way video system in which customers see 法国通讯公司的一家合资企业已在比亚里茨的南部城镇开始一项新工作,将光缆铺设到1500个电话用户家里,并建立了试验性的双路视频系统,用户在闲谈时能彼此看到对方。

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