The company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to branch out into computers.
该公司开始时专营无线电器材,现在已决定扩展业务经营计算机了. |
The company began to sell syrup to individual bottling companies licensed to sell the drink.
可口可乐公司开始授权其他瓶装贩卖可口可乐。 |
The company beijing ailunsi health care products co., ltd. deals in Condoms and also in Lotion.
公司专业从事安全套以及(化妆品)洗剂、洗液业务。 |
The company beijing cyber-video communication technology co., ltd. offers services from the ranges Multiplexer, Decoder in addition to Embedded.
公司专业从事单线、译码机以及卫星接收机和语言、通话业务。 |
The company beijing duoyuan electric group offers services from the ranges Paper cutting, Paper cutting machine in addition to Paper cutting machines.
该企业为您提供定影、胶版印刷术和纸张切割机械以及切纸装置、切纸设备和纸张粉碎的报价。 |
The company beijing fireball environment technology co., ltd. offers services from the ranges Leakage detection, Anemometer in addition to Gas leakage detection.
公司在水的分析、漏气寻找以及漏泄定位领域内取得成就。 |
The company beijing jinkaiwei general machinery co., ltd. offers among other Diaphragm compressor.
的业绩不仅在于广泛的服务,还包括薄膜式压缩机业务。 |
The company beijing xinda hard alloy factory deals in High pressure water and also in Lead wire.
为您提供关于高压水和(分线)台、场地平台、台架的信息。 |
The company blazed a trail in designing software.
这家公司是软件设计行业的先驱。 |
The company boasts that only 4 percent of its work force leaves each year, less than other Silicon Valley companies.
每年离职员工仅有4%,少于任何一家硅谷企业,这让谷歌颇为自豪。 |
The company boasts the state-of-the-art technology in spinning and weaving long/short fibers as well as blending of creatural/botanic fibers.
专业从事纺纱、针织毛衫、机织面料及服装生产加工与经营。 |