Enumerates your PC for a list of drives and then lists whether they are removable, fixed, CDROM etc.
可以列表你的PC上的驱动器列表,并列出它们是否是可删除的、固定的或CDROM,等等。 |
Enumerating and summarizing the vocabulary of Hengshui dialect are of great help for having a general idea of Hengshui dialect, providing Hengshui native speakers with a quick method to learn the vocabulary of mandarin, and offer Hengshui dialect research
列举衡水方言的词汇和总结有关情况,可以有助于了解衡水方言的面貌,可以为衡水方言区的人们学习普通词语提供快捷方法,可以为研究衡水方言的人们提供资料。 |
Envelop capsulotomy was done to the 3 eyes(5.1%)which failed in the former operation.
结果:术中56眼(94.9%)成功完成前囊方形截除,3眼(5.1%)失败,改为信封式截囊。 |
Enveloped viruses have one or more lipoprotein layers surrounding the nucleocapsid.
有被膜的病毒在核衣壳外面还有一个或多个脂蛋白层。 |
Enviromentseal (At the end of any turn, destroy all other creature if the number of creatures in play equal to number of +1/+1 counter on this creature.
环境封印(在任何回合结束时,如果场上生物数量等同此生物上+1/+1指示物数量,消灭除所有其他生物,他们不能重生。 |
Environment Bureau was officially established on July 1.
环境局于7月1日正式成立。 |
Environment can sometimes alter the rut age of an animal.
有时环境可以改变动物发情的年龄。 |
Environment created by Government and Economy developed by Enterprises.
政府创造环境,企业发展经济。 |
Environment parameters (temperature and relative humidity) are well measured, recorded, reviewed and controlled with respect to the specifications.
环境的参数(温度和相对湿度)能有效及准确的测量/记录/检讨及控制在限制範围内. |
Environment protection division's mission is to protect and enhance the quality of British Columbia's water, land and air in a way that contributes to healthy communities, a sustainable environment, and a strong and vibrant provincial economy.
描述:该网页是英国哥伦比亚环境保护司网站的水资源专题,该政府机构的任务就是保护哥伦比亚的水资源,并提供节约用水技术,在该网站上有关于水权的文章、水资源利用的情况,以及关于水利问题的深层次探讨。 |
Environment protection is from me.
保护环境从我做起。 |