Many speakers at the conference were in full cry against this proposal.
大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。 |
Many speakers attacked intensity this resolution in the meeting.
大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。 |
Many speakers in the conference were in full cry against this proposal.
大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。 |
Many species have been wiped out through sublime ignorance.
许多物种由于人们的极端无知而灭绝了。 |
Many species have now vanished from the earth.
许多物种已在地球上绝迹了。 |
Many species of animals have been made extinct.
许多动物种类已被灭绝了。 |
Many species of dolphin live in complex societies.
许多种类的海豚生活在其复杂的社会体系中。 |
Many species of insects are on the verge of extinction.
许多种昆虫濒临绝种边缘。 |
Many species of insects undergo extraordinary metamorphosis, but none instill the same awe-inspiring wonder as the metamorphosis of butterflies.
很多昆虫都会经历非同寻常的蜕变过程,但没有一种像蝴蝶的蜕变那样令人惊叹。 |
Many spend their days in what seems like a constant whirl, trying to hold up their end at work while keeping house and shuttling active kids to music lessons and sports events.
很多人都像陀螺一样没日没夜地不停转,做好了本职工作,还要打理家事,然后还得车接车送自己那些精力充沛的孩子去学音乐、做运动。 |
Many spirochetes are pathogens causing yaws, syphilis, and relapsing fever.
许多螺旋体是病原体,会导致雅司病(热带肉芽肿)、梅毒、以及回归热等。 |