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Ninety-li is only half of a hundred-li journey.

Ninety percent of the smokers are male. 百分之九十的吸烟者是男性。
Ninety percent of those infected with dengue develop only mild flulike symptoms, if they feel anything at all, making them unwitting reservoirs for the virus. 百分之九十的登革热病毒感染者如果有些什么感觉,也只会有轻微的类似于流感的症状,这使他们无意间为了这种病的储存宿主。
Ninety-eight cases were randomly divided into observation group and control group for comparing the total effective rate, main symptom, electrocardiogram, blood fat, hemorheology, and etc. 选择冠心病、心绞痛96例,随机分为2组,治疗组和对照组各48例,进行治疗前后相关指标检测。
Ninety-five percent of spam messages contain a URL. 网址是用来连结网页的一串字符,95%的垃圾邮件内都附有网址。
Ninety-four percent of men wish to change their image. 的男人都愿意改变自己的形象。
Ninety-li is only half of a hundred-li journey. 行百里者半九十.
Ninety-nine in a hundred of what are called educated men are in this condition, and even of those who can argue fluently for their opinion. 百分之九十九的所谓受教育的人都属于这种情况,甚至那些滔滔不绝地维护自己观点的人也属于这一类。
Ninety-nine per cent of the time he will play, but as a manager you can't turn round and say one player is better than the rest and has to play every game. 99%的时候他会踢的,但是作为一个经理你不能回过来说某位球员比其他人都好,每场比赛都要上场。
Ninety-six percent of Maine and Vermont residents are white, the highest in the nation. 缅因州和佛蒙特州,百分之九十六的居民是白人,全美首位。
Nineveh is like a pool, and its water is draining away. Stop! Stop!they cry, but no one turns back. 8尼尼微自古以来充满人民。如同聚水的池子,现在居民却都逃跑。虽有人呼喊说,站住,站住,却无人回顾。
Nine——tenths of wisdom is being wise in time . 十分之九的聪明在于聪明得及时。

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