Someone will have to break the news to Iowa and New Hampshire.
不过这样一来,就必须有人把坏消息带到爱荷华州和新罕布什尔州。 |
Someone will have to pay for them.
总有人不得不去支付他们。 |
Someone will not feel satisfied forever, whose happiness is only built in the course of ceaseless pursuits and struggles, so he keeps aiming at a more distant goal.
有些人永远不会感到满足,他的快乐只建立在不断地追求与争取的过程之中,因此他的目标不断地向远处推移。 |
Someone with TB disease of the lungs or vocal cords may spread TB to others when they cough or sneeze.
在肺部和声带中带有结核菌的人咳嗽打喷嚏可能传播结核给他人。 |
Someone with a political fetish placed a personal ad in The New York Times claiming to be the Mayor of New York City,but the real mayor assured everyone — including his girlfriend — on Tuesday that he wasn't looking for a date.
一位对政治有着浓厚兴趣的美国人最近在《纽约时报》上刊登了一则个人征婚广告,此人宣称自己是“纽约市市长”,但真正的纽约市长于10月18日向所有人郑重声明,他从未打算通过这种方式来谋求与某位女士约会。 |
Someone with few redeeming qualities.
几乎没有任何可取之处的人 |
Someone with this dysfunction characteristically sees others in black-and-white terms, often first putting a person on a pedestal, then vilifying the same person after some perceived slight or betrayal.
患有这种毛病的人习惯以黑白分明的方式待人;他们常一开始把对方捧得很高,然后因一点小事或背信,又把同一个人说得一文不值。 |
Someone would always point to the fuel tank and ask if it was a missile.
他的标准答案是,我能既不确定或者否认核武器对这一架飞机的出现。 |
Someone you confront will put you in your place.
你面对的人会让你回到自己的位置。 |
Someone you have liked for some time will take notice of the changes you are making.
而你倾心的某个人也将发现你做的这些改变。 |
Someone you have put off confronting lately finally steps forward and forces the issue, if you stand your ground and hold fast to your convictions you may be able to make this person see reason and logic in what you have accomplished without him or her.
一些你不想引起冲突的人会最终咄咄逼人使你不得不面对.如果你坚持你的观点,你会能够使这个人在理智和逻辑上认识的你的自身优势. |